Book Launch- Toronto
October, 1997
Harrison Owen signing copies of “Expanding our Now” in a time of celebration with
well-wishers, friends, and those curious about Open Space and wanting to meet the man himself.
Harrison addressing an appreciative audience at his book launch
Dead Moose Society Inaugural Meeting
April, 1997
Diane Brown and Eleanor Morton. A moose caller, a moose, and a beer.
All the ingredients for a Dead Moose Society meeting, along with some truth telling.
Diane Brown starting the “minute book” for the Dead Moose Society, recording charter members.
If you form a society, be sure to let us know your “moose names”
Parcee Le Masurier and Ian Morrison-playfully examining the moose,
seriously discussing the dead moose
Birgitt Bolton of Ontario and Brian Bainbridge of Australia,
the moose and the moose caller
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