Sample 1 
You are invited to a meeting of  XXXXXX to address the issues and opportunities for the XXXXX for the coming year. XXXXX is poising itself for the future, undergoing exciting organizational transformation. This is your opportunity to participate in discussing our issues and opportunities as we move forward together. 

Dates: 1,2,3 

Process: On Days 1 and  2 our process will be Open Space Technology, enabling all issues and opportunities for which you have passion and for which you are prepared to take responsibility, to be identified and discussed. On Day 3 the process changes to one of ranking issues and opportunities and setting targeted areas to move forward with. Participation on Day 3 is only open to those who have participated on Day 1 and 2. 

A bit about Open Space Technology: “Open Space is recognized internationally as an innovative approach to more productive meetings. Groups large and small (5-750) regularly demonstrate the capacity to rapidly create effective meeting agendas and deal with highly conflicted and complex issues. More remarkably, the meeting once created, is completely self-managed by the group. The observable role of the facilitator is so minimal as to be invisible. And that is just the beginning.” (New York Times). 

“Most significantly, individual and group behaviour manifest during an Open Space event epitomizes what is needed for effective organization presently and into the next millennium. Self managed work teams, distributed leadership, genuine empowerment, ongoing learning and extraordinary levels of productivity, innovation, and even FUN all put in an appearance”. (Harrison Owen, developer of Open Space Technology). 

Open Space Technology has been successfully used in large and small corporations, by communities, governments, public and private sector agencies, hospital mergers, church organizations internationally. 

The process will be facilitated by _________ (and add a paragraph about facilitator) 

For your convenience, refreshments including lunch will be served at the meeting although there will be no formal lunch break. If you require transportation assistance… 

We hope that you will join us. Your participation is important to our success! Please call______by_________to confirm your attendance. 

Birgitt Bolton