Links -  . . .  know of some good links? . . . email 'em to me and I'll put them right here :-) 
 Barry Owen 

The Open Space Institute 
    The site for the Open Space Institute (US) . . . Membership information, schedules for events, other information about Open Space Technology . . . and most importantly, information on joining the institute.

H.H. Owen & Company 
    Harrison H. Owen's personal site . . . complete with a current list of his training programs, publications available, and recent papers of current thinking regarding Open Space Technology . . . go have a "drink at the well."

Birgitt & Ward Williams Website -;
    This site is a real treasure - All about the Genuine Contact Program

The AUGUST Symposium Web-Site 
    This site was created during an Open Space event held by Barry Owen in August 1997. The participants were a group of 17 people who had "met" on an internet chat forum and wanted to get together for the first time ever face-to-face. Head on over and check it out . . . the site has grown continuously since the event. You'll find some articles about the procedings as well as pictures of the site and then also some pictures of other friends from the internet family that has been created through Open Space. 

    Martin Leith <> Offers this web-site from his Company The New.Org 
    He describes the Site as offering: "resources for creating vital, sustainable 21st century organisations." 

    Martin Leith 
    Studio 504, The Chandlery 
    50 Westminster Bridge Road 
    London SE1 7QY, United Kingdom 

    Office phone: +44 (0)171 721 7494 
    Fax: +44 (0)171 721 7495 
    Home phone: +44 (0)1273 675322