Welcome to Lore of a Vengeful Night

This site contains material of both dark and light matters...The mind holds many secrets, thoughts you live, thoughts you live by, past and present, and ones you wish you never knew,...thriving on your current state of mind whether it be warm or cold, it chooses its own path and subconsciously.....yours.

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If you find any errors on this site(i.e. bad links, mispelled words, incomplete forms) or just want to drop me a line..EMAILme

get this gear!


(April 10, 2002) Still monitoring this site, I have a domain for it, I'm just curious as to if anyone else is perusing the site. That being the case, if you enjoy the works, or would like to continue seeing them on the web, email: webmaster@nighthaven.net. I will probably move this over regardless, but I'm not sure I'll publicize it. Send me some feedback if anyone out there is still alive.

(July 15, 2000) Alright I lied. I'm still roaming. I've had a few recommended writers and will be updating this site with their works within the month. The number of visitors appears to be increasing, thanks for stopping by. I may possibly move the site completely to a domain I've registered. I haven't quite figured out what to do with it yet, perhaps LORE will have a new home. Peace ~VN

(January 25, 2000) This is the last update for Lore of A Vengeful Night. It's been a good couple years... the counter says so, most the numbers coming from word of mouth. This site will remain, but I no longer have time to keep this updated. I am going to print out copies of the writings. Those who have written for LORE may email me for a copy of their poetry and as always you retain ownership of them. Thanks for all the support. As for me, I'm currently waaaaay busy working my arse off for a corporation but am working on an outline for some side cash flow (i.e. server w/ isdn implementation for commercial use). For now, peace out and never forget ...the night is forever young... }{

(October 20, 1999) I have gone through the links and webring content and cleared out some of the dead links that were growing stinky. Feel free to send me a great link using my email address which is posted everywhere throughout the Site!
(September 28, 1999) I have posted a couple of my most recent... things are going to be a little slow lately(no more than usual), except this time I have a valid reason... I broke my hand... Woohoo! ... Anyways, check out the new writings at the following. Escape and Gateways. Thanks for buzzing by.... Peace

(September 19,1999) An enticing new poem has been posted from Anti-Avalon...Click Here to check it out. I'll be adding my own built up collective in the future... after months and months of writers block and corporate lifestyle I have escaped the grasp of becoming "one of them" and have once again clambered down onto my personal plain. Hope you enjoy the site. By the by, if you find any broken links please report them. I have noticed some minor discrepancies due to the hostile yahoo takeover of geocities. Thanks and please submit your writings!

(June 26, 1999) I don't have the time to be updateing the site right now... Any submissions will be posted as soon as I can get to them... but as for now... Lore Of A Vengeful Night is temporarily on hold.... Thanks for being a part of... Lore Of A Vengeful Night...

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All images, poems, and site content ©1998;1999 }{ Productions....


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