Welcome to 

Andrew C.C. CHAU's 

Home Page

The aim of this home page is to introduce psychology to others. However, even if you don't know anything about psychology, this page is still useful and pragmatic. Hot topics include Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) (Personnel managers are very interested in these stuff!) The information here will be updated regularly. If you want the system to inform you of this change, you may send me your e-mail address. 
Hope you may enjoy browsing this web page! Before this, let me introduce myself to you first.

Some information about me:

Name: Andrew C.C. CHAU 

Occupation: Studying Clinical Psychology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)          

Interest: Swimming, Playing badminton and tennis, and Surfing on the internet ...

Graduate from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), major in Psychology

Working Experience: Teaching A-Level Psychology in a secondary school in Hong Kong

Let's start our journey in Psychology!

The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely

different idea of the things we know best.

French Poet - Paul Valery (1871 - 1945)

What do you know about psychology?

Psychology is a scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Its subject matter includes behavioral processes that are observable, such as gestures and speech; and the processes that can only be inferred, such as thoughts and dreams.

Then, what are the major goals of psychology?

What do Psychologists do?
Questions Asked
Define, classify or categorize how people and other living being think, feel or act objectively. The what, where, when and how questions. e.g. What are the characteristics of the schizophrenic? (The DSM IV sets criteria to classify mental disorders.) 
Understand why living beings think, feel or act as they do, in a reasonable, logical and justifiable way. The why questions. e.g. Why do people conform? Why is it difficult to concentrate on our work while we're watching TV?
Anticipate or foretell behavior, with better than chance-accuracy. The "what will happen next?" questions 

e.g. Will the early loss of a parent make a child especially vulnerable to depression? Will students do better in exams. if they're rewarded? 

Manipulate behaviors. The "how can we change this behavior in this situation?" question. 

e.g. How can we help the anti-social?

Improving Life
Solve human problems and improve the quality of life e.g. How can our understanding of children's mind help developing a better education system?

Check these HOT links about Psychology or Medicine!!

I. Important Places:
American Psychological Association HKU Psychology Department
The British Psychological Society American Psychiatric Association
ABE Psychology Site The National Institute of Mental Illness
The Exploratorium, San Francisco

II. Specially Selected Topics:

A. About YOU! B. On Abnormal Behaviors!

III. Magazine:


Here are other useful and interesting links!!

I. Computer:
II. Christian: III. Information:
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Please send comment to andrewc@graduate.hku.hk

last update on 20th December, 1998
Version  3.0