"Constructing the Medicine Wheel"

"It is here that we will begin...," the Creator started to say, but First Man stopped him short of a rambling dramatic monologue in the silence
of this day saying "No, this is where I've ended..."
Continuing in the pause of the Creator's confusion, First Man said "...the end of my existence as nothing, that is. I've come all this way through every nothing never imagined, to wake and find I'm something all over again. So, now is the time we can walk and talk, if you'd like, and I will tell you all about me - and maybe I can stumble across my quiet pre-self again so that I'll
know just how I got here to where I will someday be."
So stepping toward the speechless Creator, First Man took his hand and made to start slowly on the path of those first steps that the soon-coming Sun would map out above to western places. At that moment, up danced a breeze no thicker than a thread carrying a faint laugh... and a few of the Creator's hairs lighted over his gleaming eyes. Quickly taking back his hand, he smiled at First Man and said "Here is North where balance and connection is made with one and all," as he set up a white stone. "And, here, we should stop, for we've only just begun... here, we may camp for a time or so... sharing ourselves back from all gathered around here, feeling our One through the All."
"I only just woke up from never sleeping, so all I could share with you... if I wanted to, that is... would be a touch of innocence. But I think I'll learn this dance step from a leaf upon the wind first, and then if I can pick up the chattered songs and voices I've once known that these squirrels and bugs are only just composing, then maybe I can find it in me at a much later moment to collapse beside you, sleeping while you mumble on and on," First Man said,
with his eyes wandering over the World.
And then he sat calmly down and began talking of many and all wise things with the again-dumbfounded Creator, and a web seemed to spin out catching each gem-like word of those two and holding them like stars against the sky... and the first Night thus passed before the journey to the West.
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