Part 7
When Speaking Wind passed over, I had to make some decisions. Now, in his manuscripts he talks about me quite often, so none of this is fabricated. But how do you get the word out? We have to look toward the Sun, now. And there are others out there watching it, too. We are Divinely protected, but when you’re dealing with something of that kind of awesome power, I don’t know, it’s beyond my knowledge what they can do. It’s beyond my knowledge what could happen to the Sun.
I know that when I traveled through New Mexico and I saw mountains that were upside-down, I realized that something once hit this Earth that was so powerful it must have been incredible to experience. And yet, I know that there were people living here when that happened, because you can find the artifacts, you know? You can find the stuff in the caves, you can find the petroglyphs, and they talk about it. What it was, we don’t know. It’s been lost from our memory.
What we’re finding now are the pieces. And if we could find the pieces of what we lost, if we know from where we came, we can calculate to where we’re going. But if we don’t know from where we came, we’re just like blind men trying to feel our way through the woods. We’re just stumbling.
I think it’s important here to finish the final scenario of the 7th Thunder.
Martin: Yes.
Ghost Wolf: We have the one, which is obvious, which is that things aren’t going to be so good. The Sirians, and the ancestors from the stars, are going to come down and they’re going to say, "This is the way it is. You had your chance and you blew it. Now we had to save your planet again." This world, this 4th world, has been destroyed 3 times already by our fumbling and our refusal to acknowledge the natural forces and laws of this place. Three times!
But something that Drunvelo and I started talking about when we came back from Yucatan, and the ceremonies that we did down there with Humbatzman, where we took 144 people through a time portal, it was incredible. 144 people, we all went through, and for a brief moment in time every place around us was totally intact. The pyramids were not in a state of ruin, they were totally intact, and everybody experienced it.
The important thing that we have to realize now is that we really have the answers to the resolutions and the solutions for all of the dilemmas that are coming our way. We have to really move into consciousness and realize the power of the human mind, that the human mind is an instrument of a Divine source, and that if we have the courage to get out of our own way and walk through our fears to the other side of the veil, we’re going to find that we’re capable of extraordinary things; that we’ve never had so much hope as we do right now.
The only difference between our being able to do it and change the world, is a thought, it’s simply a thought whether we can or we can’t. If you tell the child at the time of 3 that he can’t jump over the 8-foot fence, he’ll believe it in his body-mind consciousness. But if something happens that, by some quirk of circumstance, the child accidentally or without thinking jumps over the fence, he can never forget that he did it.
We are an incredible, incredible race because we have the ability within our being — it’s been engineered into our being, it’s been encoded into our cosmic proportions, if you will, if I can borrow from the Mayans, into our cellular structure and our DNA, the intelligence of all of these incredible races from which we are descended.
As the frequencies keep rising in octave, we’re going to reach a point where the whole thing could ignite and we’ll have the total power of what we are. We’ll be able to work with both hemispheres of our brain and change things in a moment. It’s not a fantasy, it’s a reality!
We already can do things that cannot be explained. Normal human beings walking on this Earth now do things that were once only reserved for the avatars. Healings of incredible, miraculous nature can occur with a lot of people. We’re seeing dark, we’re seeing light, we’re seeing both things side-by-side. You’re not going to be able to stop what’s going to happen with tactile consciousness. This is not force against force, matter against matter; this is mind OVER matter. It’s like watching the Shaolin priests catch the bullets in mid-air and then throw them to the ground. They do that. Not everybody can do that, but if we know that a person can do that, then that means that the probability of you doing it is now greatly enhanced.
If we find out that we don’t have to die from these pathogens, because the pathogens came from the Middle East. They were put into the fuel, they were put into the petroleum, they were put into the water, and they, basically, are a 6-year gestation period. We’re now 2½ years into that, maybe 3; it’s a time clock.
If we can change this around by raising our frequencies — there was a saying, once, in the Bible where Jeshua turns around to the people who are questioning him and he goes: "Oh, ye of little faith. If ye had faith, ye could move mountains. Through God, all things are possible."
We ARE God! God moves THROUGH us! But we have the choice of slipping into the darkness of our illusion and becoming self-destructive, or we have the choice of moving into the higher octave and letting the higher octave dictate what we do, simply by allowing our feelings to be feelings, by allowing ourselves to become more compassionate, by allowing ourselves to become more sensitive to each other.
And where is the healing going to come from? The healing is going to come from relationships. If man and woman can heal themselves, if they can heal the nature of their relationships, through that the entire world will be healed.
Remember the story of the Iroquois: everything comes from the relationship of you and your other self within, then you meet your mate, then you have your children, you have your brothers, you have your sisters, they have uncles, and from there the whole of society is created. But it comes down to that one point.
This is the struggle that we have, now, because every place that we turn, it seems that they are trying to crush our dreams. It seems that things are becoming so expensive that you can’t possibly afford them anymore. It seems that you can’t even afford to grow corn in your field without selling everything that you own to the system. It SEEMS that way, because we have to develop the courage to say, "No!" And it won’t work if just one individual does it. There will be many who will come up and who will take that stand, and because they’re individuals, they’ll probably fall. But they’ll probably, also, be martyrs and they’ll get other people to realize: "We have to put this thing together now and work together in cognizant unity." And, in working in cognizant unity, you will stop the enslavement illusion.
More and more people are being born and being awakened at every moment. Being born — meaning the new children coming into the Earth and being born; being awakened — meaning we’re awakening to the new thoughts and the new conversations that we have with ourselves and with others, that we can have these kind of conversations now and you don’t call the little guys in white coats to take me away, because I talk about some pretty far-out stuff. But it’s all real.
You can go to a field, and you can radionically project a disease, a blight on that crop, and the same thing that projects the blight can also project a healing. When Native people said, "I don’t want you to have my picture, because if you have my picture you can play with my essence" it wasn’t such superstition. We’re now understanding that they understood a science that we forgot.
And I think a good closing statement would be that my friend Dr. Lewis likes to tell this story: "If Buddha had a toothache, and all he thought about was the tooth-ache, there would be no divinity, there would only be tooth-ache."
So, where do you choose to put your consciousness in the next 12 months? Do you want to give into the fear? Do you want to have people say that you have to do this? Do you want people to come in and tell you how much you can spend and how much you will pay? If what I’m saying is all an illusion, then how come every place you go you have to have a thumb-print, you have to have a picture, you have to have all of these things that create your essence?
Doesn’t this sound strange, like something they could use for radionics? Did you know that you could go down to the motor vehicle bureau and you can buy everybody’s name and picture from them on a list? Did you know that you could do that? It’s accessible to the public. Why would they have something like that? So any lab can turn around and mess with you. They can move into an area and genetically mess with you.
The Hanta virus that went loose, several years ago, and then only, for some freak reason, killed Native Americans between the ages of 18 and 35, was a genetically manipulated virus. When we look at the storm that just recently hit Florida, the hurricane, with — what did it have, 200 mile-an-hour winds? It was moving at an enormous amount of speed. Was that a manipulated storm or was that a manipulated storm?! Wasn’t that incredible?!
I know that sounds far-out, but if it’s far-out, then answer me this question: How come right after it happened, Clinton signed a whole bunch of "Emergency Action Bills" and "Presidential Orders", and how come he made the statement that this is wonderful because now we know what we can do and how fast we can evacuate these areas in case of an emergency?
Look at what’s going on around you, and realize that you can move through that. If you try to go up and taunt "the Beast" in the face, he’s bigger than you. But if you move quietly, you walk right around him. I do not see hopelessness coming. I see a lot of destruction, yes, and most of that destruction is man’s destruction to himself.
I do not see the world ending because of Y2K; that’s ludicrous. And what happens to all the other people in the world who make up the majority of the population that are not computer-dependent? Do they suddenly become the new leaders?
There will be a lot of disaster from the Sun, but it’s not the first time we’ve been through this, and maybe part of that is necessary so that we can realize there is something bigger than us, at last.
I think that the purging that’s got to happen now has got to happen with our own emotions and with our own feelings. We’ve got to learn to drop judgments. We’ve got to learn to walk the path of compassion. We’ve got to learn to exercise that beyond any cost. Nothing matters anymore but that we all get along and stand with each other; that’s all that matters. Because the only thing that’s ever healed anybody on this Earth has been Love, and that’s already been proven. The only thing that makes a person move through an absolutely terminal, crippling illness is the Will and Desire to live. If we could keep that fire alive, we’ll be fine.
The enemy is not coming from outside; it’s already here; it’s inside. WE are the ones who we’ve been waiting for! Now, where do we go from here?
[Editor’s note: Rick Martin can be contacted at the following e-mail address: or by writing to: Rick Martin, C/O The Spectrum, 9101 West Sahara Ave., PMB158, Las Vegas, NV 89117. For further information on The SPECTRUM newspaper feel free to visit us on the Internet at or call us toll-free at: 1-877-280-2866.]