Visions for a New World
from Robert Ghost Wolf

Look to your heavens for the gathering is well underway. During this next year, and continuing into the next, you will see increasing displays of activities in your heavens. Already there are those amongst the galactic fleets that have made alliances with those upon the plane of terra to accommodate the new technologies and consciousness that need be administered
to humanity to help it through this period of transition before the final shiftings of this present consciousness.
Presently Mother Earth is in bondage and conflict of dream outcome. She is struggling through the bondage of manipulated time/space realties. Also her body is in much physical pain due to the extreme pollution that has occurred unchecked upon this plane. The leaders of our governments have been given an exact period of time in which they were directed to do something about this situation. This period is nearing an ending. Now renewed measures will intensify to clean up the planet...Quickly or Mother Earth herself will be in danger of collapsing and not being able to sustain human life...this has happened before, during the time of Atlantis.
The consciousness of humanity is also reflecting the experiences of its holy Mother and giver of life. In the next turning of the seasons the presence of our brothers from beyond the sun will become integrated openly within your societies. There will be the playing out of very old dramas and contests in
your heavens. The nature of your reality will be changed forever more from the thickness it has become...the remembering of your true heritage as well as your family ties to those beyond the stars is already occurring within your physical bodies. Like a cosmic alarm clock you are being awakened to the sounds of the heavens. Celestial resonance is activating your cellular
memories now at a very rapid rate.
The primary intentions of this activity are to assist humanity into the halo-leap that is required for the next phase of our evolution. The rate of change is increasing again and what is necessary to make the adjustments into the increased frequencies accessible to us will be implemented. Remember
that what is occurring at this time cannot yet be perceived by the allowed consciousness upon the plane of terra, a new plane is opening, or shall we say that the one we are experiencing is morphing into another realm of its own unique nature. It shall prove similar but very different from what has been previously perceived as reality. Yes, much more God-Man, God-Woman realized...but know that the shifting can be exhausting physically as well as emotionally trying, for the fluctuations of highs and lows will be common place.
This will cause much stress upon the body, so allow for the body to restore and reorganize to its new frequencies...remember this is change...you are finding new realities both obvious and many, many more that are in the greater yet more subtle energy fields that make up our reality experience. If you look around and really read the news and watch what is occurring around you will notice that the extent of the changes over the last year have been enormous in your life. No doubt you are now looking at
things from an entirely different perspective than you did last year at this time...many things are materializing, and yet many things are no longer in your scope of reality. Relationships have taken compete turn-arounds, and you are being tested to the tenth degree on your standards of honor and impeccability.
The Christ energies are moving into their natural positions now and the work that was done by so many in 1994 is now coming into alignment. It can be so difficult to grasp this reality when we are still trapped in the illusion of time and mortality. But we are to acknowledge ourselves now for our
outstanding job in expressing our desire of peace and gradual transition; we have indeed altered the course of what was in the headlines just a few short years ago as an outcome for Mother Earth and Her people. But it is not yet time to rest on our laurels, for we are now at a new beginning point. We are
ushering the actual physical qualities of the new reality. Look around you even the flora is changing its cycles and its very nature.
Much too much emphasis is being placed on man's abilities to control and manipulate everything. We are forgetting the unbelievable powers of Source in the creation of this whole scenario...which is why Source so richly deserves the title of Great Mystery. Ahh, there are things afoot that man cannot explain...despite all the efforts to control. Mankind has in this time the ability to change their consciousness through working with their interaction to and with the changes with which they are now having to deal on an everyday basis. Many things that are reality today were just dreams a few years ago.....in thought.
Expect some very interesting activities in our heavens this July and August. Expect new and remarkably undeniable evidence to surface regarding Mars and your Moon and the goings-on between there and here. As you watch your news and the night skies, this will be evident to you. No words will be necessary... everyone will know we are not alone. Nebaru which has already
been acknowledged by our scientists is approaching at an ever-increasing speed...the Prophecies of the Seventh Thunder are about open Upon us. Many ancient things which went by unheeded will now become everyday news items, so to speak.
It will become evident the Nebaru is not a planet at all but rather an artificial structure. This will cause many reality bubbles which are now restraining the advancement of our race to access our total potential as beings. We are bursting at the seams, so to speak, much like children who so quickly outgrow their clothing. It amazes us and we are made aware of the degree of charge which has actually occurred.
The extreme adjustments occurring in our lives will be complete, meaning these changes and quick changing of frequencies will affect every level of our being. Allow yourself and those around you the grace of change...much of what is occurring is beyond their ability to alter. Only how we go
through the dance is left to us to handle or not handle. Think of it as though you just fed your house plants some growth hormones and they are just exploding with flora and new shoots. Expect many new technologies which have been previously held back by archaic thinking and corrupt corporate procedures to emerge in the next three years. It must be realized that much
too much energy has been given over to the corporate structures, which are now running your very lives, even attempting to control your spiritual realities.
You have surrendered your wills on many levels and it is causing problems in your social order. However, much of this is growth pains and will cause a new way of dealing with things in you now emerging future. Also it should be considered that a lot of this has to do with the rate of abductions and
interaction with those who we call the Grays. They have spawned many children amongst the urban populations where their presence is less likely to draw attention, and there are many hybrids now walking around this plane...it is quite commonplace.
Many, many of us will seem almost overnight and without explanation to gain access to a knowingness we have only dreamed could occur. Yes, we have struggled for many decades now to bring this change about in the way of the truth and the light, but for some it has been an arduous and long journey with many upsets and reversals.
We must pay a lot of attention to our bodies, more than we ever have. These new awarenesses that are flooding the consciousness during this next 13-month cycle will give us an attitude of expecting miracles, but if we are not attuned to the newer and higher frequencies, we will miss out on much of the
joy. Also, we could become physically ill, as there are forces at work in this plane correcting the maladies that have caused the dilemmas that exist in our consciousnesss. They are, if you will, part of the Christ consciousness and act much like antibiotics work in the body to combat disease. Where consciousness remains fixed and ridged, it will be altered as
it is deemed necessary by Source. We have only to combat our own resistance to the shifting of the universal consciousness at this time. We need to allow the new consciousness to manifest within. The process has already begun.
I have long spoken of this approaching time as a time of graduation. That is exactly what is occurring you could say that for various levels the graduation ceremonies have commenced. Many things will result with these new gifts being released upon this plane. You have worked for them and now they will be accessible. However if you have not properly worked at your
disciplines, and do not walk in the impeccability of your being, and reconnect to source, you will experience difficulties in adjusting. The emphasis is on becoming less rigid, and much, much more flexible. Sort of do nothing and accomplish it all, yet stand still and you will be run over by the force of what is occurring.
You will experience this new level of awareness on all five of your levels of the present perception. For those who can feel and remain conscious of the sixth and seventh, expect anything. The boundaries have been lifted! You might even ascend, so be clear and certain to pick your circumstance and time for all that occurs. It is time to walk in balance, and as the God Child you are. This is the age of responsibility.
You will also notice if you hold on to your God-man, God-Woman Will, there really is nothing preventing you from making the changes in your life you so dictate; there never has been. The block has been only in your ability to accept or deny the responsibility for effecting the change and taking the action. In other words, we are a very lazy lot until provoked, and that is about to occur on every level conceivable. Expect whatever you are creating to intensify...literally everything will intensify in flavor. So for some of you who have been lagging around and thinking that you could attend to the required attitude changes, well, expect a wild ride, and best to judge
nothing and no one, else you might become it.
Whatever your actions so shall you experience, and in many instances it will be almost instantaneously felt. So, walk softly, and know ye are God.
Many things that might have seemed, to so many of you who held on to hope and the dream, to just be out of reach will begin to occur in this new energy Cycle. Yes, there is a new season being born, and like Spring, it comes to different areas at different times. A lot of the new physical energy is coming from our Sun, and being guided by, shall we say, celestial
assistants. Special Angels you might say. There is darkness afoot but light reigns supreme in this next 13-month cycle. Remember that in the old calendar, July was the first month of the new cycle and none of that has ever really changed in the heavens. Expect yourself to find yourself saying often to yourself, "Well, I'll be. Is this really happening to me?"
Part 2

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