Watch the morning sun crest the horizon, reaching out to the world.
The beads of dew come to life with the light and
spray ten thousand rainbows across the land.
Spider silk on the leaves and grass
shines with
the night's catch of starlight.
Hi! How's it goin'?
My name's Berahtalb. It means "Bright Elf."
This page is
devoted to my thoughts on the world today.
It is always under construction, and soon it will have
more interesting things. There will be several pages on topics
such as education, learning, history, mythology, and
damned near anything else that takes this old elf's fancy.
You may learn how to live in this mundane world
and find the magic beneath!

Few things bring more joy to a man's heart than
the sight of a beautiful woman.
What a glorious thing it is that all women are beautiful.

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