When You Close Your Eyes

When you close your eyes,
Do you think of me?
As much as I think of you,
Do you dream of what could be?

When you close your eyes,
Do you hear my whisper in your ear?
Telling you I want you,
I need to have you near.

When you close your eyes,
Do you feel my breath on your cheek?
As you pull me closer,
No words we need to speak.

When you close your eyes,
Do you feel my soft lips on your body?
Trailing over every inch of you,
Bringing you to the point of ecstasy.

When you close your eyes,
Do you see the passion in my stare?
All the desire I have,
Only with you I want to share.

When you close your eyes,
Do you know that one day,
You'll open them again,
And I'll be there to stay.

By: Stephanie (StephJS2)

Copyright '98 Stephanie S.

Stephanie's Poetry

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