Cost of Loving You

I can't stop my heart,
No matter how I try,
From feeling this love,
That just won't die.

A love so painful,
From fantasies lost,
My soul seems to ache,
Is it worth the cost?

The cost of loving you,
A painful price,
Of what I can't have,
Of the sacrifice.

Everything I've given,
Just isn't enough,
I don't have your heart,
It's getting too rough.

The little I have,
I hold on tight,
It hurts even more,
To loose you tonight.

You're my everything,
My soul and my heart,
A love so strong,
I don't want us to part.

Tell me you want me,
I'll stay the night,
Tell me you love me,
I'll never leave your sight.

Everything we have,
I'll cherish always,
Never a regret,
Because I'll love you always.

By: Stephanie (StephJS2)

Copyright '98 Stephanie S.

Stephanie's Poetry

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