Stephanie's Poetry

I'd like to take a moment to thank the person responsible for my writing poetry. When I first began writing I didn't think I was very good but David insisted I was & talked me into sharing them with friends. The response I got was overwhelmingly good, giving me the encouragement I needed to keep writing. I'll always be grateful to him for believing in me & my talent. Thank you, David, for seeing in me what I didn't see in myself. If you'd like to visit David stop by his page...DAviDD's Fun House

Links to my other web pages

Stephanie's Dreamland
Stephanie's Heart
Cinderella's Playland
Stephanie's POW/MIA Tributes
Tribute to 1Lt. Ned R. Herrold
Tribute to Major James Thomas Egan, Jr.
Angel In The Sky~A Memorial's Love Quote of the Day

A quick note on my poetry... I always welcome comments & criticism!! I will tell you this though, I don't welcome mean spiritedness, if you leave a message in my guestbook like that it will be removed! I often also get comments on occassion that tell me "how" I should write, that I don't put enough of my soul into my poetry, etc. I've never taken a poetry class & honestly have no desire to. I write for ME, & this is my heart & soul in these poems. The reason I post them is because I got a shocking amount of people that wanted to keep reading everything I wrote. My poetry is simple & to the point & that seems to be what people like most about it... it's easy to relate to & understand. You don't need a degree to interpret them. My basic opinion is poetry is like art... it's what you make of it. Everyone is different in how they express themselves, if all poetry were the same it would be rather boring. I won't change my writing because you feel it's not what poetry should be just as I don't expect anyone else to change. I hope you'll respect me for that decision, whether you like my poetry or not =)

Links to my poetry

Blessed One Promised Revenge
No Distance Between Hearts My Heart Has Spoken
Wishing For Rain Love After Heartbreak
A New Kind of Love Setting You Free
Surrendered Innocence Chances of the Heart
I'll Provide the Rain Addiction
Never Say Goodbye Seduction
Passion The Rain
Patient Heart Distant Passion
Letting Go Dreams
Living In a Dream Need To Be With You
Wanting Your Heart Longing
My Heart In Your Hands One Night
Whispered Desire I Want You
My Knight The Reason
Why Couldn't She Be Me Always
Drowning In My Dreams Lost Faith
Unforgiving Sentence Lonely Silence
Two Souls Joined Dominated Passion
A Country's Admiration Sacrifice
The Lost Vietnam Vet The Fool
Let Me Your Fantasy
Sanctuary Anticipation
Cherish Ecstasy
Once In Your Life Captured Heart
Cost of Loving You What Do You Want To Do?
Raw Desire Losing Love
When You Close Your Eyes Lonely Heart

It's rare I find other poetry that I really like. I'm very picky.
The following are poems I've come across that I really like.

William Shakespeare~SonnetCXXX .... Truth be told I've never considered myself any man's "dream" girl. I guess maybe that's why I like this one so much.
Maya Angelou~ Phenomenal Woman .... One of my very favorites!!
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps~ Elaine and Elaine....Elaine of Astolat is the maiden who dies of unrequited love for Sir Lancelot and floats in a barge to Camelot with a letter for Lancelot clutched in her lifeless hand. In many ways I am just like Elaine is, I will love my own sweet knight forever.
e.e cummings~ i carry your heart with me.. ....a friend introduced me to Cummings poetry, I found this one on my own & loved it
e.e cummings~ may i feel said he....This was the first Cummings poem I ever read, still love it!
e.e cummings~ i like my body when it is with your body....This was the second Cummings poem I ever read, obviously I love it or it wouldn't be here!

Quote of the Week

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