[gabe] Thoughts and Ideas guide individuals and nations! I will share some of mine in the hope that they will help someone!

NOTE: To read the complete thought click on its title.

The Millennium fever is on and many people are worried about it!...

Sense of responsibility We need to come back to the old...

The idea of God that people have shows the level of their evolution! ...

Your Destiny is in your Mind! For an event to happen it is necessary that...

Every action generates a reaction. As it is in the physical world, so is in the moral sphere. The Hindu word 'karma' means all that...

Exercise is one of the best medicines!   Without physical exercise most of the nutrients that we eat are wasted away. ...


[arabjw] **1* The Millennium fever is on and many people are worried about it! We are no exception; but we have decided to live life as if nothing is going to happen, but be prepared to when it happens!
    Following the example of the Mormons who have in their homes supplies to last a year; we have been storing water and dry foods. We also have First Aids and camping equipment.
    We believe that our corrupted and polluted world will have to pass by a process of purification that may last some decades. When that is over, the promised "New Heaven and new Earth" will be a reality and a new human race will enjoy millenia of peace and prosperity!
    Do not be afraid of the year 2000 though; it will come and pass and nothing major will occur!   Certain events have to happen before we finish this Cosmic Cycle.   We must experience that because evil people are abusing every system, no system is fool proof. We must find a different way to live our lives so happiness and progress will be the common patrimony of all humanity.

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[arabjw] **2* I think that we as a nation need to come back to the old sense of responsibility!   We are responsible for our own education and destiny, not the Federal Government!   If we do not use the educational facilities that the country have, how can we blame the system and not us?
    We are responsible for our own health, not our doctors or hospitals!   If we smoke, drink to excess, eat junk food, and risk our life for nothing, why should other people pay for our folly?
   Whatever happens in our lives is the result of what we are, the education we have, the company we keep, and our thoughts and emotions!   Nothing happens by chance; there is a purpose in every event!   Let us not blame our parents, race, or nation for our shortcomings; but our own lack of vision and will to progress!

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[arabjw] **3* The idea of God that people have, shows the level of their evolution!
  Here in the Americas we tend to call our Divine Father: The Lord! Why?   He is the Lord of the Universe, but He is our Divine Father!   Do we call our physical father: lord?
    Being GOD our DIVINE FATHER the Supreme Creator of everything existing, it makes us His children and the inheritors of the Universe!   It also means that we are of Divine essence.   All life come from our Father Divine, hence all living beings all over the Cosmos are our brothers and sisters!   It also means that we, living beings, are going to grow to become as our Divine Father!   Did not the Christ assert at the end of the Sermon of the Mount: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."?
    The idea of the Paternity of God and the Brotherhood with all life is the most liberating, optimistic, and inspiring idea that has ever being expressed!   Do we really comprehend all its implications?
    Different people in different times have called the Creator with various names: Tao, Brahman, Teos, Adonai, IAWE, Allah, Dios, Dio, Got, God, Celestial Father, etc.; but the reality is that they all reffer to the only existing Divinity
    Is the Creator a God or a Goddess?  When we ask that question we ignore that The Creator is beyond creation and of course It can have no gender!   Nevertheless, when we pray to the Divinity and since we are sexual beings, it is psychologically convenient that men address the Creator as God, and women address It as Goddess!   Remember that the word: Religion (re-ligare, in Latin) means: to unite again.   When we unite our self again with the Divinity, it must be of the same sex as us or we will have psychological problems! The other alternative is to "visualize" the Divinity as Pure Spirit and of course we must also be counscious as pure spirit!   Those who meditate, use this visualization more often.   In Mysticism, we use the personalization of the Divinity so we can better focus our Love for It.

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[arabjw] **4* Your Destiny is in your Mind! For an event to happen it is necessary that energy be activated, which is done by an emotion or passion, which are stirred by thoughts.   That is the chain of events!   Knowing this, you can control the events in your life, by controlling your thoughts!   Our human mind works in different levels.  Our conscious level is the every day mentality.   Behind it is the subconscious level that is in charge of keeping our library of knowledge, and watch our very thoughts looking for a pattern, among many other functions!   Even more deeply behind is the unconscious that is a repository of hatreds, prejudices, instincts, and the maintenance of our physical life, among others.   This is the mechanism of our life; let us learn to drive it!
    In communion with our spirits, let us meditate in what it is that we want to become in the future.   Once we have decided, let us form an image as if we already are living our goals.   We have to unite our imagination, desires, and thoughts into a living dream, and have the absolute faith that what we dream is reality in the future!   The constant repetition, day by day, month by month of this dream will trigger our subconscious mind to attract people and events to satisfy our dream!   As a magnet attracts iron filings, so does our subconscious mind attracts people and circumstances to fulfill our dream.   We must make our dream the most important if not the only goal in our lives for our subconscious mind to work in fulfilling it!
    It is very sad, to contemplate human beings creating, without knowing, a miserable destiny for themselves.   They do it by constantly keeping negative thoughts and emotions in their minds!   Our subconscious mind, will accomplish whatever we repetitiously think and feel.   Our subconscious do not judge us; just follows the orders of the conscious mind!  
    Humanity has known these laws since remote antiquity. In India the ancient Sages re-discovered and taught this knowledge to their disciples.
    Learn to think and feel positively and things will come your way!

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[arabjw] **5* Every action generates a reaction. As it is in the physical world, so is in the moral sphere.   The Hindu word 'karma' means all that.   This concept also exists in Christianity: "As you sow so shall you reap."   Why is this so?   Is there a God watching every thought, emotion, action of every being in the cosmos, and planing punishment or prize for them?   I do not accept this idea; I think that God has imbue in Nature laws that work this mechanism by itself.
    The repetitions of similar thoughts create the need to manifest them in the physical world.   Those thoughts attract people and circumstances to materialize them.   Because of this mechanism we tend to befriend people with our ideas, purposes in life, moral codes, etc.   In the relation with our friends we give and receive similar kinds of actions.   If our purposes are noble, we also receive noble actions; if they are selfish, we suffer the selfishness of our friends.   In this way we create the crime and its punishment; or the good deeds and its recompense.
    Every thing that we do is engraved in our psyches and it forms part of our character.   It also ties us to the people and places where we performed our deeds.
    Nature has a Law of Equilibrium; for every action there is a reaction equally in intensity and opposite to the action that generated it, and the result is equilibrium.   When we live a life of crime, or good deeds, and we do not receive the result of our actions, this creates a lack of balance that tend us to reincarnate to receive our deserved dues.   Until equilibrium has not been reestablished, the force created has not been spent and is in our psyches leading to action.
    Reincarnation is the natural result of our karma, our unsatisfied desires, and the accomplisment of the goals that our Spiritual Self has established for us.
    In one word, we are our own judge, executioner, and Providence.
    Yes, I know; it is easy to accept for an oriental mind used to the ideas of Karma, Dharma, and Reincarnation, but what of the occidental religions that do not teach those concepts?   In Occident we have been taught that we only have one chance, this lifetime, to live a virtuous life and go to Paradise! The alternative is a life of law breaking and Hell!   The reasons for this doctrinary difference are very profound and based in the phychology of occidental people vs. the orientals.  We can not enter to discuss this subject in such a small medium.

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[arabjw] ** 7* Exercise is one of the best medicines!   Without physical exercise most of the nutrients that we eat are wasted away!   Our body keeps control of the energy and the nutrients we need to maintain our daily activities.   If we eat more than what we need, the body absorbs what is necessary and rejects the rest! The rejected food is whether stored as fat or thrown away!   If we do not eat what we need, the result is a deficiency sickness!   Cases of beriberi, scurvy, and others are well known. We must realize that the lack of any vitamin or mineral sustained during a long time produce deficiency sickness!

    The liver, which is the chemical lab of the body, suffers for lack of exercise!   When we practice regular exercise, the control part of our body, takes note to increase the assimilation of the needed nutrients, it also increases the irrigation of blood, improves the Immune System, our mind becomes clearer, our emotions more positive, and a sense of well being pervades our whole life!

    The easy way to exercise is to begin with calisthenics or stretching exercises and every day increase them a little more.   When the muscles start hurting is time to relax and change the activity!   Do not torture yourself, pain is telling you to stop and relax.   You can make repetitions of the exercise for a certain part of the body, but do not torture yourself!   As you progress schedule the days of the week for a different part of the body and stick to the schedule.   Physical activity has to be pleasurable or it will not do all its good.

    Summarizing: to enjoy good health, we need to practice regular exercises, eat the proper foods, maintain positive emotions, have a goal in our lives, and relate to the Supreme Being source of all life!

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-- If you are interested in chatting along these lines, please send me an E-Mail.
Let peace be with you all!

Page updated: July 9, 1998.

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