All the world's a page

Looney Binn's Hall of Reason and Insanity

Home of the Vampire Pickle

Vampire Pickle




Our wedding was beautiful! Tara and I will put some pictures up as soon as we can. The proposal movie is still here in RealVideo G2 format (1.2M, streamed).

I've finished recording my songs--twelve unique tracks of music! Come check out the ones I've posted so far.

My music See and hear some of my music. Rings 'n' Things: Web rings, awards, and other randomness. Rings 'n' Things
Looney Antics Gawk at the residents of this crazy place and witness their wild antics! I detest cheap exploitation, and yet, paradoxically, I have a section of my page which may make me some money! Ayn Rand would be proud. Shameless greed
Humor See the humorous side of life. Stick around for the credits! Cast of thousands
Archive Visit my archive, featuring a few old snapshots and faded journals. On your way out of the Hall? Here are some places you might want to see. Links

I just gave away a million-dollar prize to the n-1th visitor. Sorry.

View my guest book. Sign my guest book.

Updated 22 November 2000
by Looney Binn, proud Athens Community Leader.

hosted by GeoCities looney binn, undees, ian dees, travel, europe, pictures, photography, literature, music, lyrics, art, language, discussion, argument, french, german, poetry, Looney Binn, UnDees, Ian Dees, Travel, Europe, Pictures, Photography, Literature, Music, Lyrics, Art, Language, Discussion, Argument, French, German, Poetry