
Booklet Infomation & Order Page for:

History Of Philosophy Guide In Verse:
Original Poems on Western Philosophy,
with Additional Commentary
Paul Dolinsky, Ph.D

The History of Philosophy Guide In Verse, 96 pages, is available in printed booklet format. Perfect for students and others, on the go! Its price has recently been lowered from $10.95 to $7.95 plus $2.00 for shipping and handling, for a total of $9.95.

The booklet could be ordered and paid for with a credit card or electronic check through Paypal, the popular on-line clearinghouse for secure and safe credit card and banking transactions, a company now owned by Ebay. Paypal has over 20 million registered users. You may click the Paypal logo below, to place your order through their secure web site.

Checks and money orders are also welcome. If paying  by check or money order, please remit to:

Paul Dolinsky
89 Fire Hill Rd.
PO Box 187
Spencertown, NY 12165
(phone) 518-392-3383

If you are a teacher, or know a teacher who might be interested in using this History of Philosophy Guide in Verse in their classes, either as a booklet or a PDF file, please have the teacher e-mail me a request for a free review copy. Their academic and school affiliation, and a web link with this information, if it is available on-line, should be included with this request.

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          History of Philosophy Guide In Verse
              In Verse              96 pp      (          )                 $7.95         $