Welcome. We wish to extend a warm greeting to you. As you may know this is the homepage of Michael D. Strickland of America located in James, Georgia. We are in association with Round Oak Enterprises of Round Oak, Georgia.
One of our main projects is Web Page Designing. At this time, our services are completely free of charge. One of the reasons this is so is because we do not offer net space. It must be obtained by the individual. What we do may be best explained by viewing our Project Page. |
To ensure that your pages are as close to your vision as possible, we have set up the Client page. It contains backgrounds, page dividers, and icons for web pages. This page is also open to the general public. Thank you for your support. |
We here at Michael D. Strickland of America are always seeking new and fully thought ways of making life a more memorable endeavour. We endorse supreme creativity and open mindedness. |
If you have any questions or comments, please direct your e-mails to Michael D. Strickland of America. Our secretary will process your mail as soon as possible. Our e-mail address is ninja_frog@hotmail.com. |
Please be sure to sign our guestbook so that we may have a more accurate record of your visit. Thank you for your support.
Also, if you wish, you may fill out our form. This gives us a better idea of the individual we are dealing with. Thank you for your time and support.
Revisions were last made on July 28, 2003
© 1998-2003 Michael D. Strickland of America