Do you think you've made a mistake in coming here?
OK, well, here is where I admit who I really am! I doubt that anyone really wants to know, but I'd hate to deprive anyone of information that might be useful. Admittedly eveything here will be pretty dull. I'd hate to run for public office some day and have some stupid teenaged activity brought up that looses me the office only because I put it in here. So, let's begin!
Let's see...I was born late 1980, so you can get an idea of how old I am even when I haven't altered this in 30 years. I love the sciences, and am currently struggling over which major is for me. I hope to get a PhD in one someday! Wow. Currently I attend Benicia High School in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Diablo Valley College. Amazing, isn't it? I hope to attend the Berekly Acceleration Program shortly, but may not get to as they are very picky about who they take.
As you may know, I write! In fact, I write a lot! I mainly write poetry, as it's fairly short, and I like the way it sounds. I have a completed, but not edited novella around somewhere, but it's too incriminating to put up now. So...there's just poetry. I've done reasonably with poetry, and am published! I've been published in Nocturne, The Oak, and Color Wheel. Not much, but it's a start. I've also won a special mention at Showemall and won the Solano County Writing Completition for two poems in two different years so far apart that I doubt anyone can really claim that it's a true assesment of my writing skills anymore.
As for other things, I sing in a choir, grow a garden (you should see the cute little things), and am, for this year at least, a co-president of Amnesty International at my school.
I have two brothers named Michael and Christopher, my parents are married, and I have a dog named Rascal. (And a new puppy named Fafner!) Besides that I currently have three Japanese pen pals and about 10000000000 Interenet pen pals. Not bad, huh?
I love Arthurian Legends, Greek Mythology, Celtic fairy tales, Argentine history, plants, the ocean, and just about anything else that I can get really obsessive over.
I work as a receptionist at a church, and drive a blue-grey '92 Toyota Corolla. My favorite author is probably Isaac Asimov, and I loved Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clark, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and The Handmaiden's Tale by Margaret Atwood. My favorite poet is Alfred, Lord Tennyson, though I am awfully fond of George Gordon, Lord Byron, and Christina Rossetti. My favorite short, lyric poem, is "Crossing the Bar" by Alred, Lord Tennyson, and my favorite long, narrative poem is "Goblin Market" by Christina Rossetti.
And I have been warned not to forget my friends! (Quite clearly) So, some of my best Internet friends are Reb aka Anne, aka Grommit, aka Lissa Lissar who is a kind and loyal and wonderful friend who I adore. There's also Sebara who talks to me all the time, and makes me feel wanted, and is a real sweetie. And how can I forget Liren, my sister in another life? Ah, we are kindred spirts. There's also Arcadia who makes things so much more fun. She's always a blast. And I adore Chris and the arguments we get into. How can one live without a good argument? And I'm getting along well with the mysterious Fen who exsists somewhere and does something. I also like GK aka Barak aka Caesar, who's also fun to argue with, and is a neat person. I also like Aden, who writes such fascinating poetry! Well, I'm at a loss here, so if I forgot you, tell me! That way I can profusely appologise.
I also review really good small press books. Come and see them for yourself!
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Is that enough? I think so for now! Byes!
I'm in Athens for a reason! I do write! I do do literary stuff! So here it is!
Julia's Poetry and Links
Poetry for Real People
Poetry Links
Illustrated Poetry
Computer Written Poetry?
As I said, I really do adore myths and legends. Here are my myth and legend pages! (doesn't that should cheesy?)
Niniane's Page
Margawse's Page
Persephone's Page
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