Hello. If you haven't met me before, you might want to do so. There's a lot about me on the web, if you want to find it and know where to look. Information on the personal, real, Julia, hides at Julia's Information Page.

For my less personal life, you can learn a lot about me by reading my poems, located at Julia's Neo-Romantic Poetry Page. Attached here are also some marvelous links to great poetry pages that have nothing to do with me, as well as a ton of web rings, awards, and just about anything you might like. I refer to it as my main page. If you're intersted in more general poetry, there's always Poetry for Real People, also maintained by me. I'd love it if you'd submit a piece or two there. Also, check out the marvelous small press books that I've reviewed. The page of Small Press Reviews is marvelous for anyone seeking a great and unique read, or any author or publisher looking for more exposure for their work.

However, poetry is not my end all. I love myths and legends too, and have spent far too much time learning about them. Finally I broke out and made three pages.

Niniane's Page Yeah, the lady of the lake. This has a lot of information on the evolution of her character, a picture of her by a pre-Raphelite (Morris), and a description of what happens to her in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur.
Margawse's PageMordred, Gawaine, and a bunch of other knight's mother, there isn't a huge amount of information on her, but there's more than you'll find most places.
The House of Hades This is my personal pet. I've put everything I can find on the Grecian Underworld (not refered to as Hades, but rather the House of Hades, though usually mistaken in modern days) and stored it here. There are documents, pictures, descriptions of the Gods, and a whole lot more!

And, even if you hate everything above, you can always win my award! You know you want it! And, even if you don't have a homepage, you can Submit a poem to my poetry contest!

Since you're here, and you've come so far, take a moment to Sign My Guestbook. If you hate signing things, but want to see who's been here in the past, you can always View My Guestbook. And, if you have anything you want to say to me, you can e-mail me!