Merry Meet and a warm welcome!
The Wiccan Guild of Queensland
is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting,
preserving, and practicing Wicca, as well as uniting
the Queensland Wiccan community within a single body.
By the end of 1997, it was felt
by many Wiccans that there was a strong need within
Queensland for Wiccans to unite under a single
banner. It was also felt that many groups calling
themselves "Wiccan" are not entirely
correct in their definition, and so some discussion
was needed so as to universally define what it is to
be Wiccan.
This proved very useful for
future newcomers seeking the Path of the Wise, as
they can now be confident in joining an authentic
Wiccan Coven if that is what they seek.
Furthermore, Witchcraft is
still outlawed in Queensland, and for this reason it
was strongly agreed that if Wiccans wish to be
recognised by the Government as a legitimant
religion, they need to show that there is a
consistency from Coven to Coven, and Solitary to
For this to happen, it is
imperative that all those calling themselves Wiccan ,
follow certain basic tenants and beliefs that define
Wicca. This ideal is in no way designed to isolate
Wiccans from other Pagans, however, it is designed to
differentiate Wicca from other Pagan groups - as most
are aware that "All Wiccans are Pagans,
but not all Pagans are Wiccan".
The following is an outline of
the original discussion that was held on what was
thought to be decided. Please note that this is in no
way a comprehensive list, and is open to future
suggestions and ideas:
*Outline the basic beliefs, and
Law of the Wicca, so as to adopt a more universal
approach, and so everyone is clear on what the
definition of Wicca is.
*Set up a "Wiccan
Guild" for Queensland, which will represent all
Wiccans who follow the Traditional path (see point
one) of Wicca.
*Organise public Sabbats and
other public Wiccan events in the future.
*Share thoughts and ideas to
better all Wiccans in Queensland, including how to
lobby the government on its laws pertaining to
The contents below are what the
WGQ sees as the basic guidlines "Wiccans"
would abide by - the key word of course being
"guidlines" - not rules. These and have been influenced by Scott Cunningham's writings and were felt by many to be a true reflection of Wiccan belief, however make your own descision.
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since 16 Feb 1998