![]() Subject: LISD Music Education One of America's BEST!Posted on 3/29/2004 at 11:22:30 AM** High Priority ** Thanks to Charlene Koesters (Griffin MS) for bringing this to our attention. It is a great feather in our cap, but we must not take it for granted!LISD named one of America's Best for Music Education For the third year in a row, LISD has been recognized as one of the Best 100 Communities for Music Education in America for 2004. The annual results produced by the American Music Conference are based on a survey conducted jointly by the country's top organizations devoted to music and learning. The survey finds school districts whose commitment to quality music education - measured by across a variety of economic, curricular and programmatic critera - has enabled them to excel despite the many pressures that ae hampering programs across the country. "There isn't a town in America where people would accept sub-standard math or English education," says AMC Executive Director Rob Walker. "What people are coming to realize in communities like our 'Best 100' is that active participation in music, with all its proven benefits for mind and body, is no different. A child who grows up without music has lost an opportunity that will never come again." The unveiling of the survey results is part of "Music In Our Schools Month," an annual observance that highlights this vital topic. Music is an indispensable part of every child's educatio - but in these days of budget cuts and eroding priorities, where is the best music education to be found? For the fifth year in a row, a coalition of music and educational organizations has asked America's help in finding out. The results of the 2004 "Best 100 Cmmunities for Music Education in America" survey are now online www.amc-music.org. Please use the link to see the list, to learn more about the survey program, and to find out about the importance of music education. The survey represents and unprecedented partnership among the nation's leading organizations working on behalf of music and education. The organizations that have sponsored the survey are: the American Music Conference (AMC); Music Educators National Conference (MENC); the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA); the National School Boards Association (NSBA); Perseus Development Corporation; VH1 Save the Music Foundation; Yamaha Corportaion of America; the Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation; and the Music for All Foundation. |