
Izard County High School
Future Business Leaders of America

starstarstar Spotlight on the Starsstarstarstar


white_ribbon"God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised, strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trials, help from above."
Our hearts go out to the Westside Middle School community.
City of Jonesboro memorial page

Welcome! We are the Izard County High School Future Business Leaders of America. Our school is located in Brockwell, AR.

What's that music playing? We chose the song "Wish Upon A Star" as our background theme for two reasons. The first is our 1997-98 national FBLA theme, Spotlight on the Stars. The second is that this year's National Leadership Conference will be held July 5-8 in Orlando, Florida, home to Disneyworld!!

Links to other FBLA sites on the Web

National FBLA Page
Arkansas FBLA Page


Email the webmaster.

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© 1998 Amanda S. Cain
Email Izard County High School FBLA

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