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Celebrating freedom of all things on the Digital Web!

This site has had hits since it's inception on January 22, 1998!

Greetings dizians of the digital web. My name is Nero713. I am here to speak of what exactly this page is for. Freedom. Not from religious prosecution, government oppression, or the crushing of the human spirit. No, the page is not that focused. Instead I am here to speak of all these things. Below there are links to other Digital Anarchist, and a few documents on different subjects I find important. Some are by me, some by others. Together, we will free the web.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Anarchist Papers and Thesis

Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchy but were afraid to ask!

A paper on Animals and the Environment.

Commentary by Nero713's Wife

What is anarchy?

Anarchy is acting without the socialized beliefs and laws governing the persons' actions. Widespread anarchy is dangerous, but sometimes necessary in careful moderation to make a strong statement to governmental officials when they are not performing as necessary.

Hello, I am Oracle'sGirl--wife of nero713, and I want to talk to you a bit about anarchy.

I am not advocating anarchy, but its use as a tool to make a statement and only then to be used when all other resources such as letters, newspaper articles, sit down rallies etceteras have been tried. Be very careful what you choose to do as you are always responsible for your own actions. Anarchy does not mean violence...remember that.

In one of the references listed above, my husband has a reference to a page with an essay called, "Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchy but were afraid to ask!". I have never read such an ignorant portrayal of anarchy. The state is not always harmful as the writer of that essay seems to claim, and not everyone in the state is dependant upon the state's aid. The people, not the state, dictate that there must be social institutions such as Medicare and Medicaid to care for those of us that can not care for themselves. Yes, there are those who take advantage of the systems set up, but that is not the fault of the state but the fault of that specific person or group of people. In that essay, the writer seems to be making a statement against the state which is in the spirit of democracy and freedom of speech of the United States; however, he or she is NOT telling people about what anarchy is in reality.

Links to other sites on the Web

Anarchy related sites on the web...

A Comprehensive source on Anarchy in today's world.

The Anarchy Sampler!

The mind behind the maddness...News on and the Manifesto of the Unabomber!

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