The Definitive Source for Online
For your reference
you ever needed a dictionary or thesarus or something to that effect and
couldn't find yours? Look no further.
My personal favorite: Research-It! This site is awesome. What makes it the best is that all you have to do is go the the front page, type in what you need to know in the appropriate field and press the button.
It includes in the dictionary section under language tools: English, Computing, Rhyming and Pronunciation dictionaries.
There are three different thesaurus'.
There are translators. Universal and specific ones. English to (insert language) and (language) to English.
It has a language identifier, an acronym tool, an anagram tool, and a French conjugator.
Library Tools include: under People- Biographical, Born On, and In Generation. Religion has one field which is Bible. Then Quotations.
Geographical Tools: maps for USA only, USA Streets, a zoomable World map, Canadian Atlas, and maps with overlays.
Telephone Tools: USA and Canadian area codes, area code to city, and an 800 directory.
Facts Section: The 1996 Edition of the CIA Factbook.
Financial Tools: A currency converter and search fields dealing with the Stock Market.
Shipping and Mailing Tools: Postal Zip Codes and tracking packages from FedEx and UPS.
The Internet Tool listed is a search on email discussion groups.
there is The
World FactBook Master Page. Facts about countries include pictures,
Flag descriptions, Geographical, People, Government, Economy, Transportation,
Communications and Defense. The countries covered are too numerous to mention.
Ask An Expert! I took the description directly from the site:
Pitsco's Ask an Expert is made up of 12 categories with over 300 web sites and email addresses where you can find experts to answer your questions. Ask an Expert is a directory of links to people who have volunteered their time to answer questions and webpages that provide information. Following is a text list of the categories:
Science/Technology, Career/Industry, Health, Internet/Computers, Recreation/Entertainment, Education/Personal Development, International/Cultural, Resources, Money/Business, Fine Arts, Law, and Religion.
The Instant
Editor. I have never used this but it looks interesting. Let me
know if you try it out and how it was! You can upload a poem of your own
and it will be critiqued. You can also participate in the critiquing of
other's poems.
More to come soon!
I have missed something,
please let me know and
I will be happy to add it to the site.
Another Production by:
The Definitive Source
for Online Journalers.
February 6, 1998