The Definitive Source for Online
Other Sites or Pages Related to Online Journals
I first started my journal I knew what I liked to read in
other journals but didn't know what I wanted in my own. Finding Tracings
I Like It When
You Do That is what put focus into my project. She also keeps a list
of other peoples journal entries
that move her.
case you have any other questions about keeping journals online or on paper,
step on over to the page put together by Diane of The
Paperwork. Entitled "The
Secret Diary" This page contains information on the legal status
of your journal, journal references online, books to read, tips, and more.
Diane also put up the page called "Why Web Journals Suck". This is a good place to start if you are thinking about putting a journal online or would like to check out some good tips. She gives her opinions on why you might not want to keep a journal, where to begin, and what she thinks typifies a good journal including comments on content and design.
we have a non-journalers outlook on people who keep online journals. "Think
Digital" by Margie Borschke
Peterson has this
theory about journals online.
looking for something? Try joining the mailing lists for journalers.
Diary-L was started by Ophelia who also started the webring Open
Pages. If you would like to join send the following to
In the body of the email SUBSCRIBE DIARY-L yourname lastname
Or try out the list for people who keep paper journals. Send email to
In the body of the email insert subscribe journals
out of ideas for writing material? You can go to The
National Journal Network, The
Journal Writer, Journal
and Essay Writing, The
Diarist's Toolkit, and Journal
Writing Resources. Each contain ideas, tips, and more information than
you could shake a stick at.
I have missed something,
please let me know and
I will be happy to add it to the site.
Another Production by:
The Definitive Source
for Online Journalers.
January 16, 1998