Welcome to the Homepage of 

~Madame Colète d'Évreux~

Greetings good gentles and thank you for visiting my SCA webpage. I hope you will enjoy the work I have produced here and will find great use in the links I've collected. If you have any links or suggestions for my site, then please feel free to email me with the information.

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" What is the SCA?"

The SCA (or Society for Creative Anachronism ) is a recreation group for the time periods basically between the Dark Ages and up to about 1620 a.d. In the SCA, each person creates a persona of the origin and time in which they would like to have lived. In example, "Colète" is my persona's name and she is from circa 1380-1420 AD Evreaux, France.

If you have further questions regarding the SCA, most of them can be answered at the above link. Alas, please feel free to email me as well.

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Last updated 13 OCT 2004.

Ft. Worth, Texas

© 2004, Stacy E. Dickey