Al Ghurab's Home Page
Al Ghurab = The Raven
Welcome to my Lodge...
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!  Psalms 133: 1-3
Non nobis Domine, Non nobis. Sed nomine Tuo, da gloriam.

Click on the "Cloudy Lodge" above G to visit my (thoroughly verbose) page which endeavors to explain:

"What is Freemasonry?"

Click here to learn about my "Cloudy Lodge" image. E

My Heroes.

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.  Luke 6: 27-38 Non nobis Domine, non nobis.  Sed nomine Tuo, da gloriam.

Worshipful Brother George Washington appears here presiding over his Lodge and next to him is Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Crusading Templar Knights.
Click on George to visit one of my favorite Lodge's homepage.
Click on Jacques to link to the Grand Encampment of the Knights Templar, U.S.A.

York Rite
My passage through the York Rite began on September 14, 1998.
I am a Past High Priest, Past Thrice Illustrious Master, and Past Commander.
I am a member of the oldest extant Council of Annointed High Priests,
the Order of the Silver Trowel, Past Commanders Association,
and Allied Masonic Degrees.
I am also in the Grand line in Chapter, Council, and Commandery.
Someday soon I will preside as Master of my Lodge, and then become a KYCH.

My Mark

Royal Arch Masonry Most Excellent High Priest Royal and Select Masters Knights Templar

York Rite Bodies

DeMolay International

DeMolay International
Perhaps my 7 years active membership in this fine organization had some influence on my Masonic interests?
They are some of my most cherished memories.
My achievements include RD, PMC, PDMC, Knight, and Chevalier.
I believe in it so much, both of my boys are involved and I am an Advisor!

Legion of Honor
After 30 years of involvement with this fine organization, on October 1, 2006, I was honored to receive the Legion of Honor.
If I were compelled to give up all of my Masonic committments except one, I would certainly keep DeMolay.
It is the best hope for the future of Masonry and even America!

"Et in Arcadia Ego..."

York Rite

Selected Book Reviews E

Some of my opinions. I read anything masonic, whether positive or negative.

Very useful Masonic Links E

Here are some very good places to visit on your travels.

Very useful Alternative Religion Links  E

Some may wonder why I would provide alternative religion links on my obviously Masonic page. This is partly to prove a point to the uninitiated. Masonry is neither a religion, no a substitute for one. We require all our members to believe in one universal God, but we would never presume to dictate which faith they must espouse. Having spent many years on the path searching for truth myself, I really appreciate some of the points-of-view countenanced by other systems of belief.

Gnostic Silence & Persecution - NEVER AGAIN! Blue Ribbon Campaign

Review of Free Thought & Freemasonry

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Operative Web-Mason Guild Member

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