I have included this section on the path Jesus walked from the trial before Pilate to the resurrection from the tomb. For those who are familar with the story I hope you enjoy this pictorial. For those who are not familar I hope this provides you with a glimpse into one of the most historical events in history, and how we as human beings, can be easily swayed by fear.
Jesus Is Condemned to Death
Consider how Pilate condemned the innocent Jesus to death, and how thy Redeemer submitted to this sentence, to free Thee from the sentence of ever-lasting death.
Jesus is made to bear His Cross
Consider how Jesus took upon His shoulders The Cross which thy many sins made so heavy.
Jesus Falls the First Time
Consider how Jesus, overcome by weariness and pain, fell to the ground under the heavy weight of the cross.
Jesus meets His Blessed Mother
Consider the anguish which filled the heart of Jesus and Mary at this sorrowful meeting. It was thy sins that caused the Son and the Mother this affliction.
Jesus is Helped by Simon of Cyrene
Consider how the soldiers, seeing that Jesus was no longer able to drag His Cross along, compelled Simon of Cyrene to carry it after Him.4>
Jesus is Consoled by Veronica
Consider how this women tried to alleviate the sufferings of Jesus, and how He rewarded her by leaving the print of His sacred face on the towel she had in her hands.
Jesus Falls The Second Time
Consider the sufferings Jesus endures in the second fall. Thou hast been the cause of them, by the frequent relapes into sin.
Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem
Consider how Jesus exhorts these women to weep, not for Him but, for themselves; thus He teaches thee to weep more for thy sins than for His sufferings.
Jesus Falls The Third Time
Consider how Jesus falls the third time, enduring excruciating pain, to atone for the obstinacy in continually committing new sins.
Jesus Is Stripped, and Receives Gall to Drink
Consider the shame Jesus endured in being stripped of His garments, and the bitterness of the wine, mixed with myrrh and gall which they caused Him to drink. Thus He atoned for the immodesty, and they intemperance in eating and drinking.4>
Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross
Consider the dreadful sufferings Jesus endured, when the soldiers stretched His bleeding body on the Cross, and fastened it thereon, with nails through His sacred hands and feet.
Jesus Dies on the Cross
Consider how Jesus, after three hours' agony, dies on the cross for thy salvation.
Jesus Taken Down from The Cross
Consider the grief of the Mother of God, when she takes into her arms the Body of her Devine Son, lifeless, cold, and stained with blood.
Jesus is laid in the Sepulcher
Consider how the most sacred Body of Jesus was laid, with the greatest reverence, in the tomb.
Resurrection and Ascension
When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James, and Salome, brought spices that they might go and anoint Jesus. Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had just risen, they came to the tomb. They were saying to one another, "Who will roll the stone back from the entrance of the tomb for us?" for it was very large. But looking up they saw that the stone had been rolled back, and upon entering the tomb they were amazed to see a young man sitting at the right side and clothed in a white robe. He said to them, "Do not be terrified. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him."(MK.16:1-6)
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