An inspiring idiom I have learned in America goes “if it is to be, it is up to me!”
This is what every loyal American citizen should say. However, public schools have failed to produce enough individuals to effect the change that America needs at this time. It takes parents, school and the government and the media educate a child. It takes some extraordinary effort to undo the harm that has been done to the public education system. No one should expect this problem to be solved overnight because all players in education system have gone awry.

I learned this the hard way by working in the government and schools and I gained first hand experience with run-away hypocrisy. Perhaps I learned the greatest part of my lesson by working for an agency of our federal government for twelve years where I could not believe what was going on to prevent me, yes, your read it right, from performing my duties educating. I voted for Clinton-Gore twice and wrote them ten letters, all in vain, only that they examine my documents and tell me what happened to their claim of  “reinventing the government.”  I finally had to take voluntary retirement and give up because my conscience would not allow me to do what amounted to burning the taxpayer’s money or forcing me to burglarize the citizens of this country.

As for parents, how can anyone instill in parents the responsibility that is needed to take an active role in the education of their children if these parents themselves are the products of faulty educational system?

Speaking of the public school factor, there is such a huge bureaucracy in place that it cannot be dismantled easily. Although relatively better schools do exist, most of them suffer from mismanagement either by hypocrites who favor public ignorance or by some who are products of diploma mills who have little or no knowledge and wisdom to execute their responsibility.

Those who look to private, charter, and home schooling for better education for their children should recognize that these are only panacea and not a cure-all or a substitute for parental responsibility. And, once parents are informed and involved the kind of school makes becomes practically immaterial.

As for media, they do a marvelous job of entertaining the public but not of effectively educating and informing them. The public by virtue of its nature tends toward sex, violence, fun and game. It is human nature to choose these paths of least resistance than the painful path of learning. A lack of Basics-3e’s makes the kids especially vulnerable to a variety of exploitations.

To me, mainstream media is as effective at instilling effective education as a schoolteacher who is involved in all kinds of wrong doings and in the meantime teaches in schools. If the media does away with too much sensationalism and pre-occupying the people with non-issues with no enlightening values it will do the public a great deal of service. However, media has an agenda of its own with little or no interest in publishing ideas such as this. I have the list of some who refused to do this. My thanks to the Internet and radio talk shows who are refuge for people who can not be heard through the mainstream media.