During the weeks and months to come, the 'jottings' of a most remarkable human being will appear in this space. He passed this way and left a real spiritually mature legacy, as you may sense in the spirit and authority of his poems. Certainly not a 'poet', per se, the following pieces highlight his own inimitable experience and call to all others who have also found the experience of 'spiritual expression' to be all- important.

As you meditate upon them, remember that these words are filled to the brim with the actual living of the man who wrote them. His life was dedicated to exemplifying 'the truths of being', in practical everyday living. He succeeded remarkably, leaving behind a vast body of work, and thousands of individuals the world over who responded to his call to 'BE the truth of who you really are', and will forever be enriched by their friendship. This simple, yet majestic, spiritually mature man knew himself in the deepest sense of that word; a knowing which selflessly includes and benefits the Whole.



Whatever arises, let me dwell in the secret place of the
Most High.
Let there be a place of stillness in the midst of turmoil.
Let there be a place of light amidst the darkness.
Let there be a place of ease amid disease.
Let there be a place of order in the chaos.
Let there be a place of love and beauty in the midst of
fear and ugliness.
Let my presence be a beacon of enfolding radiance in
every circumstance.


Any moment of loving,
Any moment of giving,
Any moment of thankfulness,
Is a moment of living.
Any moment of hating,
Any moment of lying,
Any moment of resentment,
Is a moment of dying.

All our moments add together,
Like the digits in a sum,
And the answer tells us plainly
Whether life or death shall come.


From age to age
Love's word rings forth
"The truth is true and all is well
Unconquerable life prevails."

Oh, man, who's strident dreams
Lead gravewards,
Return to calm and noble
Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;
Depart false ambition's restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling
Trespass not in wise virtue's wise serenity
Where firm control and awful power
Eternally abide.

Here earth's pains are healed
And cruel chaos of mind's spawning
Is called again to order and beauty.


Listen !

Listen! for the sound of many waters.
Listen! for the sound of the rushing wind.
Listen! for the sound of the silent earth.
Listen! for the sound of the radiant sun.


Let your ears be tuned to this sound because your heart is;
for what is present in your heart will determine what you hear.

Listen for the sounds of the spirit.

These sounds have always been with us but we have had no ears to hear them,
because we didn't listen.

As our hearts and ears are attuned to that movement,
then the rich substance of spirit may fill every part of our physical bodies.
It may flow forth through every part,
perhaps particularly through our arms, our hands, our fingers,
but it floods through the flesh of our bodies.

Do you think, if that is so, the physical form can remain the same?

Would this not bring the reality of healing?

The spirit, the reality of life, pours forth when allowed to do so
because we listen, and consequently hear,
and so find natural attunement with the movement of spirit.

Then the substance of spirit may fill our physical forms, our minds and our hearts
and, pouring forth, fill the environment,
so that the fire of God may fall from heaven.

This is a transforming fire,
but how can it work, how can it be known, unless it can be received?
And how can it be received if we do not hear the spirit by which it comes?
And how can we hear the spirit without listening?

What is it we listen for?



How shall man in this day, restored be?
Let it be by the Word of God
Let it be by His kingdom, by His power, to His glory.
Let no human desire remain.
Let no human doctrine be kept,
or belief sustained.
Let all religions and temporal systems
pass from the earth,
leaving only God revealed in man restored.
This is the Word of God spoken this day
by His angels in agreement on earth:

Glory to God in the highest!


All the above poems are Copyright by 'Foundation House Publications ' 1989, and Used With Permission
Write to Gary Courtland-Miles


Email Gary Courtland-Miles O.S.F., E.D.L., I.T. at