

EARTH is the Third of 'THE FOUR FORCES' of Creation, the symbol of FORM; of the Manifestation/animation of All things in the Cosmos. Every iota of matter is alive according to it's own level of being.


9 '...Let the waters under the heavens (air) be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear (earth); and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth...

Gen.1: 9-10 (NKJ)


On 'the Third Creative Day' (of some 2,154 years insofar as the Creation of this world), the 'Earth Force' came into Pattern, in it's natural sequence. FORM/MATTER always follows the first two Forces in the sequence of the Creative Cycle, as surely as night follows day.

Once there is 'The Pattern of Truth' focalized, symbolized by the 'Water Force'; and
'The Firmament' is generated, by reason of the intelligent expression of Spirit, the 'Air Force'; then conditions are right to 'let the waters be gathered together' in One Place'. And in that instant, the miracle of Manifestation in FORM occurs; whether of an idea/thought- form, or of a world or sun. And there is always something coming into FORM in each moment. Paradoxically, one could readily state that the entire universe comes into form in each moment insofar as we are concerned.
And further, that it all happens NOW!

The ORIGINAL INTENT of SOURCE, now becomes a Reality, and the dry land appears! Whether this occurs in this world, or in outer space, the same principles apply. The reason FORM is produced is that the SOURCE of BEING is eternally CREATIVE, and must have a FORM to begin to 'Create Through' at the level IT wishes to express. The 'CREATOR' is eternally responsible for 'CREATION', thus CREATION is constantly undergoing ascendant change.

Here then, is the broad outline of 'how' the Pneumatomenal Realm beyond Time and Space penetrates through 'the Firmament', into the Phenomenal Realm of Time and Space.

Beyond belief ? Yes, but isn't Life ItSelf? So while we may begin to understand the barest hint of the principles involved, and may even prove them out in our own living, they will forever remain beyond the complete comprehension of the mind of man. And that is fine, for we have no real 'need to know' everything anyway. On the other hand, there is a lifetime of expression that we may participate in as we let Life come forth through each one of us.

The endless pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge does not yield wisdom, but results in half truths being pursued and applied in contradiction of Absolute Law. From this, and the arrogance which arises with it, come a great deal of the suffering and sorrow of humankind. It is a bottomless pit, and not even the combined mental capacity of all of mankind could begin to comprehend the awesome nature and processes of all of reality in it's eternal and myriad forms. Best to let the Cycles work THROUGH us; to come into ATTUNEMENT with the Larger Creative Cycle. In this there is the possibility of Wisdom being acquired, and Original Intent coming all the Way through into the world where we are.


Let us meditate upon the principles of this emergence into FORM, symbolically portrayed in 'The Book of Heavenly Magic', from Genesis 1:9-10, once more.

9 '...Let the waters under the heavens (air) be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear (earth); and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas...





Again, we see that the WATER cycle is still active, even as the Third Creative Force became dominant in that poetic, yet accurate portrayal of the Creation of this planet. The Invisible Realm at last becomes visible, as matter/form through the 'firmament of the Heaven' and the Realm of Form, is born. From this initial manifestation, Life creates anew using the same principles, building upon what went before. IT'S multitudinous, varied and exquisite forms, become evident, as seen below, and as stated in our text


11 ... 'Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth; and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

13 So the evening and the morning were the third day.'

Gen 1: 11-13

Here the secrets of the manifestation of form of any kind are revealed, but only as the right preparatory 'atmospheric' (Second Force) conditions prevail. What comes into FORM through our own living follows exactly the same sequence of perfection if it is harmonious with the True Design of Life. And remember, Truth (the First Force) must still be working in the Larger Creative Cycle, if the Magic of Creation is to allow the manifestation of the 'Garden-State' both in Consciousness and in the world.






~ "Behold I make all things new." ~


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