in every circumstance.
of Praise
Barred Spiral Milky Way: - Credit: R. Hurt (SSC), JPL-Caltech, NASA
Survey Credit: GLIMPSE Team
ago, as today, it was written that " the wickedness of man was great in the
earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
continually." Surely now is the time to rediscover why we are here and to begin
to participate in the greatest adventure this side of Arcturus ! Ha, and such
is not an onerous path, for the divine formula is true, "the way (indeed) is
easy, and the burden, (literally and figuratively - is) Light! I trust we won't make
the same mistake as the Atlanteans did, and be swallowed up by our stubborn
resistance to the Easy Way of the ONE LAW. For apparently, even their supposedly technologically advanced institutions and vaunted esoteric knowledge did not save either 99% of them, or their civilization from vanishing into the depths, or being overun with lava-flows and other catastrophic occurances. Many civilations have come and gone before, and only one thing remains: LIFE and it's ever creative Design!
Those apparently 'wise' folks who lived before what has become known as 'the great flood' (circa 15,000 B.C.) thought that the one we know of as (the Atlantean) Noah was crazy, to put it mildly, I suppose. Yet, like only four
others in 'the Book', he was described as being "a just man, and Perfect in
his generations." In other words, 'perfect' in his momentary living, in the generation of 'the
substance of love, and the wisdom born of it'. Letting Life live through such a living lens allows seemingly miraculous things to be accomplished. Apparently, he let The Four Forces of the Most High be expressed through his capacities of body, mind, heart, and spiritual expression into the world he centered.
This was what was referred too in the story as 'the pitch' used "within and without, to seal the Ark". In other words, the 'fine living substance' of spiritual expression - called 'Pneumaplasm'...the undifferentiated substance through which Spirit acts. Ah... 'Tis quite the story, but most apt for our day, which again was prophesied by those close to the Heart of Creation. As I remember it, was it not said that we should "heed the signs of the times", for there would come "a time when mens hearts would fail them for fear", amongst other things which hadn't been experienced "since the world began?"
It may well be wise for us to take note of old Noah's willingness to follow his 'inner
urge' as portrayed through the deeper layers of meaning within this so-called
myth. After all, it is said , "he walked with God."
any case, today's Ark is being builded 'without hands', of 'vibrational substance'...or vibrationally. For no longer
can 'it' be made of wood, or even high-tech materials. Now, all else having failed, it must be created in 'Consciousness...created with that especial Light
generated in and through 'living flesh' that is 'in Attunement with it's Creator. In-deed, 'The Vibrational Ark' that is being 'lifted up' now, is made of the most precious substance each human being is capable of generating, sharing, and giving of their own free will. And that of course, is LOVE,
the vibrational substance of that undeniable experience and expression which everyone purports to want, and that so precious few know anything much at all about. But Rejoice, for it is a'building, even Now...made of That wondrous substance of enlightened human Consciousness being drawn together by the irresistable cords of the Truth of Love! Life is doing this, and thank God, for it isn't something that anyone has to (or even could) organize, or make be according to the concepts of the human mind. In-deed, we all need to learn a wee bit more about 'pro-active spiritual letting'!:-)In other words, 'trusting in LIFE and It's Creative Agenda.' Now isn't that 'a load off'!;-)Jah!
radiant outpouring of the Life giving Love of 'The Father of Lights',
(as represented in 'the outer world' by our Sun), embraces each one who 'looks
up' as they walk in humility, thankfulness, and appreciation, on Mother Earth.
And in the dawning experience of that Oneness, each one begins to understand a little
more of what the Truth of Love really is and how it may "...create (through the living and divine mechanism of the consciousness of awakened Man), ALL things new".
Seven Steps To The Temple of Light...
just how easy it is to let this understanding of Reality
called again to our
Is A Virtual Home of

Third Sacred School

In the perennially true words of the Master - "Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask and you shall receive." And in the words of another, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." This is the day that Life has made, rejoice and be glad in it. For today, you are ready to WITNESS
There´s an abundance
of modern day ´manna´ freely
available to all who Ask.

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This Universe, the Milky Way, the Sun and its
family of planets, moons, objects and everything within this Continuum is a
part of the ONE WHOLE.
Other than Mankind, everything is already
vibrating in harmony with The One True Tone, or as it has been called in the past, The Song Celestial. 'Some who know, and know not that they know', are awakening to this Eternal Reality and conceive of it as THE
CONTINUUM, A Beautiful Quantum Hologram - or even that Intelligent ever manifesting Design which the mystics down through the ages have called GOD. However, the KEY thing to understand is that All of this vibrational activity- on every level imaginable and unimaginable - is contained within the Infinity of ´this Present Moment´, in which EVERYTHING is transpiring synchronously and simultaneously! Wow! If this doesn't give one pause, then perhaps nothing will. There is a Purpose to Life, and each one of us is destined to discover exactly what that might be for us! In any case, this awe-inspiring multi-dimensional emerging Paradigm of New Understanding and all of its permutations, including of course our individual beginning understanding and intuitive awareness of being a functional and meaningful part of this Happening, is being coherently reflected upon within a living, dawning human Consciousness by millions. Such gnosis is being revealed and shared in increasingly exiting ways through a growing number of us 'peculiar people' worldwide who are finally beginning to function on The Spiritual
Expression Plane of Being! And what a wonder-filled, unprecedented and sacred thing this is! Finally, thanks to the inherent linkage within the holism of Consciousness ItSelf - and it's earthly mirror in the World Wide Web - everyone, everywhere, is able and welcome to actually EXPERIENCE and SHARE this Cosmic Awareness. Finally Mankind is connecting up as One Body of many members according to LIFE'S DESIGN - with each one contributing their inimitable talents in the Living, Giving and Expression of their part in the Grand Scheme of BEING. And perhaps what is wholly New, is the absolute simplicity with which this ever expanding 'Standing Wave' of this specific Dawning Cosmic Awareness can be experienced. No more trying, no more 'sweat of the brow'. It's been discovered that it is actually a matter of 'Letting Go'. In other words, all that is required to find oneSelf aboard the rising Vibrational Ark which heals the earth through it's radiance upon the waters of truth is Being Now!
"Come and see!"
As we 'Let Life
live us'.
. All
IS Well.

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