DragonMount, which is Lews Therin Telamon's (The Dragon) grave.

This is my page dedicated to one of the finest fantasy series ever written to date. Robert Jordan started the series with the book,The Eye of The World, and has continued up til his eighth book Path of Daggers, which will be released hopefully by September of this year. On this page, I will be putting information of characters and places that happen in the series. Enjoy!

Books of the Wheel of Time

The Eye of the World
The Great Hunt
The Dragon Reborn
The Shadow Rising
The Fires of Heaven
Lord of Chaos
Crown of Swords
Path of Daggers (forthcoming)

Links to the world of the Dragon

The Black Tower
Map of the World
Wheel of Time Index

The People of the World (in order of appearance)

Rand 'al Thor: Young shepherd from the village of Emond's Field, in the Two Rivers. Age 16 at beginning of Eye of The World. He is also, Ta'avern. Friends of Perrin and Mat. Later he discovers that he is the Dragon Reborn. Moirane Sedai tries to guide him in his struggles, yet also trying to control him. Tall for a Two Rivers man. (6'6" approx) Has red hair and grey eyes. Also different from most two rivers folk. Able to Channel saidin, and is the one who is to lead the forces of mankind against the Dark One and his Forsaken. Very strong in the One Power.

Mat Cauthon: Friend of Rand's from Emond's Field. Somewhat shorter than Rand. He likes to cause mischief and trouble. Likes to chase women and is a notorious gambler. Has immense luck. Ta'avern too. Leader of the Band of the Red Hand. Has the memories of many generals from the far past ingrained in his head. Speaks the Old Tongue at times.

Perrin Aybara: Friend of Rand's. Also from EF. A little shorter than Rand, but is still huge. I'd say 250 lbs or so of solid muscle. Learns to talk with wolves. Quiet man who thinks before he speaks. Very stubborn. is Ta'avern as well.

Moirane Damodred: Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Comes to find the three boys. Very short. (5'0"?) Her Warder is Lan. Raised in palace in the city of Cairhein. Been searching for 20 years for the Dragon Reborn (Rand). Very controlling of her emotions and does not like having to explain her actions. Relatively strong in the One Power.

Lan: Warder for Moiraine Sedai. Known for being one of the best fighting men in the world, if not the best. Acknowledged as best fighter of the Warders. Uncrowned King of Malkier, which is no more.

Egwene al Vere: Friend of Rand's. Pretty. Wants to be Aes Sedai. Very strong in the One Power. Raised in Emond's Field.

Nynaeve al Meara: Emond Field's Wisdom. Can channel the One Power, and is VERY strong, though she wont admit it at first. She can only channel when angry. Chases after Moiraine and the rest of the group after they leave EF in wake of the Trolloc attack.

Min: A girl, found in Baerlon, who can see auras and images around people. Loves Rand. A little older than Rand.

Thom Merrilin: Gleeman. Once court bard for Queen Morgase of Andor. Visiting EF when trollocs attack. Goes with the rest of the party with Moiraine. Tall, but has a stoop. Quite old, yet strong. Wide Mustache.

Loial, son of Arent: an Ogier. about 9-10ft tall. He is 90 years old, which is a child among Ogier. Likes to talk for a long time, if he can. Very shy. Meets up with Rand in Caemyln. Doesnt have permission to be out of the Stedding, as he is too young yet. Been out of stedding for 3 years. To be wedded to Erith.

Ba'alzamon: Thought to be the Dark One, but now known to have been Ishamael, greatest of the Forsaken. Real name is Elan Morai Tedronai. He is quite insane. Never sealed completely with the rest of the Forsaken. The guiding hand behind all the evil in the past 3,000 years since the Breaking of the World.

Tam al Thor: Father of Rand. Lived outside of the Two Rivers for awhile before returning. Fought in the Aiel War, and was a Blademaster. Has a heronmarked sword. His wife Kari al Thor died when Rand was a young child.

Agelmar: One of the Forsaken. Very very old. Dies at the Eye of the World, when drawing too much One Power. Helped create Trollocs and Myrddraal.

Lanfear: Forsaken. Lews Therin Telamon's lover before he left her. Tall, dark haired and beautiful. She was perhaps strongest of Forsaken in the One Power, next to Ishamael. Called Daughter of the Night and was named Mieren before turning to the Shadow.

Siuan Sanche: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai. Recognizes Rand as the Dragon Reborn. Stilled, deposed and thought to be executed. Was raised from the Blue Ajah.

Elayne Trakand: Daughter-heir to Andor. Very strong in the One Power, and thought that she could be one of the strongest Aes Sedai in over a thousand years. Brother of Gawyn.

Gawyn Trakand: Elayne's brother. Takes a liking to Rand at first. Hates Aes Sedai for getting his sister enmeshed into their schemes. Especially hates Siuan. And Rand, for he believe Rand killed Queen Morgase; Gawyn's mother.

Elaida: Queen Morgase's Aes Sedai advisor. Belongs to the Red Ajah. Very stern and has a bad temper. Becomes Amyrlin Seat when Siuan was deposed. Has the Talent, Foretelling.

Asmodean: One of the Forsaken. Has been shielded by Lanfear and Rand's teacher. Is killed in Fires of Heaven. Is a coward at heart. Was severed from the Dark One by Rand.

Alviarin: Keeper of the Stole. Second in command of Aes Sedai. She is the leader of the Black Ajah. Raised to the Keeper after Leane- the previous Keeper- was deposed along with Siuan.

Glossary of terms used in the Wheel

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