The above image was created and ©Michelle Christensen
These pages best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.

Disclaimer: There will likely be information on these pages that might be considered to some as offensive. If you find yourself in this predicament, please stop reading and fine a different site. This one is for me, and I am thereby not interested in arguments or unintellectual critiques. If you have a well thought out contradiction to what I place here, feel free to contact me, but do expect a response in return. I like discussion, but will not pay any attention to flaming.

For now, I will likely be typing in random phrases and thoughts which will be elaborated upon at a later date.

1. Wiccans are Weak. 10/31/04

2. "You can't buy magic." Oh yeah? Then where did you get you pentacle and nifty little altar piece, dorko? 10/31/04

3. People who call themselves Merlin, carrying crystal balls (that only some people can touch without fainting) and claiming to lose their memories because someone touched their crystal and 'stole' some of the energies left there. Long story. 10/31/04

4. Called Grey by several people. What it may mean and what made them say it... and why it's a tad confusing and unnerving. 10/31/04.

Sister sites:
Lair of the Red Fox (a Role Playing page. Currently Down!)
Sheli's Shadowlands (a personal *vanity* page. Up and Running!)