

Those skillful in the ancient Tao
Are subtly ingenious and profoundly intuitive.
They are so deep they cannot be recognized.
Since, indeed, they cannot be recognized,
Their force can be contained.

So careful!
As if wading a stream in winter.
So hesitant!
As if respecting all sides in the community.
So reserved!
As if acting as a guest.
So yielding!
As if ice about to melt.
So candid!
As if acting with simplicity.
So open!
As if acting as a valley.
So integrated!
As if acting as muddy water.

Who can harmonize with muddy water,
And gradually arrive at clarity?
Who can move with stability,
And gradually bring endurance to life?

Those who maintain the Tao
Do not desire to become full.
Indeed, since they are not full,
They can be used up and also renewed.

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