Knights Knoble
Knight: a gentleman, usually of the nobility, trained for mounted combat and raised to the order of chivalry.
Noble: characterized by or displaying superior moral qualities.

~ GreyHawk, Pendragon ~

Knights Knoble . . .
  • are men of distinctive character, courage, and strength, who endeavour to demonstrate their highest ideal of Who They Are in every aspect of their lives.

  • possess the virtues of tolerance, respect, forgiveness, and altruism - in thought, word, and deed - regardless of race, religion, political persuasion, gender, sexual orientation, or social status.

  • are compassionate members of the brotherhood of man, vigilant in their defense of the weak and less fortunate, and endeavour to help move the world towards universal peace and harmony.

  • are chivalrous in all dealings with women and strive to facilitate healthy, meaningful, male-female relationships.

  • seek both personal and spiritual enlightenment. Accepting of all paths, they are ever eager to expand their knowledge and - where possible - support, guide, and encourage others.

  • enjoy comraderie, celebrate individuality and personal expression, and desire interaction with like-minded brethren, both male and female.

The Birth of Knights Knoble | The Legend of Castle Illumine
Coat of Arms | Knight Quests | The Armoury | Knighthood | Chivalry
Valiant Voices | Resources | Join Knights Knoble | Membership Directory

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Knights Knoble was created on April 30th, 1999, in response to an ever-growing number of requests for a male counterpart to the very popular female on-line group, Mystic Maidens.
To facilitate interaction, under our umbrella organization we share several public forums,
including a discussion mailing list where members of both groups can discuss issues/topics of mutual interest and/or concern with others.

Mystic Maidens - Our Female Counterpart

MANY THANKS to artist Bruce Huffman who's awesome work is featured
-- with permission -- both here and on the Mystic Maidens' web site.

© 1999-2003 Knights Knoble
All Rights Reserved