welcome to Photo Gratification!

Like that diving board into hell?This shot is a late summer scene from Va. Beach, where I was born and raised and used to live. As soon as I dropped the camera from my eye this guy was off and I didn't see him. He must have spotted me right after giving what must have been an evocative mini-sermon to this bikini-clad girl. Her boyfriend was actually sitting next to her in the uncropped version. The moral of the story is that: all kind of folks come out of the woodwork at the beach!

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This is a trip through my photographic archives as they document my attempt at photographic art during my travels across the south east United States.

Please note that the web has a limited display quality for photos. For this reason, most of these photos will look better once you've downloaded them and view them through some graphic viewer like LviewPro.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All rights are retained on these photographic images. My express permission must be received prior to any use of them.

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