
A number of books and web sites were utilized in compiling the information on my site.


Chumbley, Andrew D. The Azoëtia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft. Xoanon Publishers.
I really like this book. Its written mostly in poetry, and is really cryptic. Its certainly not a book for beginners, and not a book that you just read--you swim in it. Its also pretty hard to find. But a lot of useful information is found in its pages. I used this book for the poetry and some of the format of my Athamé consecration ritual.

Cunningham, Scott. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1985.
This book, despite its fluffy author, is useful and comprehensive. Unfortunately the author only uses "good" magick, so much information about hexes and such is ommitted. I used this book to get the scientific names of many of the plants, as well as other names they are called by and planetary, god, and gender correspondence. I can't be too critical of this book, since I used it so much.

Huson, Paul. Mastering Witchcraft. New York: Perigee Books, 1970.
This is one of my favorites. Its chock full of incense recipes and other uses of herbs. And its a great introduction to witchcraft, as well. I used this book for some of the poetry and format of my Athamé consecration ritual.

Miller, Richard Alan. The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs. Rochester: Destiny Books, 1993.
This book is great for straightforward information about herbs that alter the state of consciousness. You should definately check out this book if you're interested in Nutmeg, Morning Glory Seeds, Datura and the like.

Schultes, Richard Evans and Albert Hofmann. Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 1992.
Great book. Its well-researched, useful and interesting.

Tarostar. The Witch's Spellcraft. Toluca Lake, CA: International Imports, 1986.
This is a fun little book full of spells. Different incense recipes and such are given in some of the spells. If you are having trouble coming up with your own spells, this book could be really useful. (But what is the deal with the author's name? Tarostar???)

Web Sites

The Old Craft Homepage

The Herb Pages at Vanessa's Pagan Place

Gothic Gardening
This site is great, for more than just its information about herbs. Worth a visit.

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