Bloodmoon's Witchcraft Links

The internet is not the place to learn about witchcraft. Better than the internet are books, better still is a teacher, and best of all is that which you learn from yourself. No webpage or book is a replacement for dancing around a bonfire on full moon...the greatest lessons in witchcraft are never spoken.

That said, here are some links (the best I could find, which really isn't much) relating to witchcraft.

Andrew Chumbley. "What Is Traditional Craft?" exerpted from Widdershins: A Volatile Journal of Magick No. 5.
This is "a brief discourse regarding the nature of traditional witchcraft and allied forms of magical practice in present-day Britain." Chumbley has also written books (see my bibliography). "The Traditional Craft is the Nameless Way of the Arte Magical. It is the Path of Wytcha, the heart's calling of avocation to Cunning Man and Wise Woman; it is the Hidden Circle of Initiates constituting the living body of the Elder Faith. Its ritual is the Sabbat of Dream-made-Flesh. Its mystery lies in the Land, below the feet of Those who tread the crooked track of Elphame. Its scripture is the way of wort-cunning and Beast-charming, the treasury of lore re-membered by Those who revere the Spirits; it is the gramarye of ear-whispered knowledge, beloved of Those who hold sacred the secrets of the dead and entrusted to They who look ever onward... If any ask about the Traditional Craft, their answers lie in its native land: the Circle of the Arte of Artes!"

Access to English Traditional Craft Information
This is an extensive index of resources concerning English witchcraft.

Okana's Web
"Slavic and Old European love of the universe, of honoring all-that-is in folk traditions."

Onyx Dimensions
This is a HUGE site with tons of information. Its worth exploring...witchcraft, herbs, and more.

The Dark Goddesses
We are introduced to this page with the words "are you sick of New Age-ers who portray the Goddess as a cosmic Barbie doll, all sweetness and light?" The author of this page is. The page is an exploration of different dark goddesses and other witch-bitches. I love it.

Old City Web Site. Leading to The Old Craft, Norwich - the Old City
There isn't really too much information on this page, just a bit of folklore and herbal lore. Some of this you won't find anywhere else, though.

The Roebuck
"The Ancient Keltic Church is a religious organization dedicated to the rediscovery and revival of the pagan mystery faith of the ancient Celtic peoples, and the incorporation of this ancient faith into modern 20th century America."

The Witching Hours: Medieval Through Enlightenment Period European Witch History
This is "a starting point for historical research into the great witch craze of 1100-1700 AD." This page has a lot of information for those of us interested in the history of witchcraft.

The Library of Witchcraft - Site Index
This is another HUGE page with lots of information to explore. Most of this information is historical--witch trials, artwork, and the like.

Witchcraft Online
"This comprehensive Online collection spans the 16th to 19th centuries and will grow to include 100 core titles from Cornell University's primary source Witchcraft collection. The Online database provides invaluable primary source materials - many of which are inaccessible outside of rare book archives - to researchers, scholars, students and general interest seekers." Doesn't it sound wonderful? But there's a catch--you have to pay.

Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and America.
This is a comprehensive bibliography. Its big...huge...impressive.

Witchcraft Herbal Lore and Flying Oitments
This is an article about the different herbs used in the flying ointments.

Witches in the Bible and in the Talmud
Exactly what it says. This is a pretty long article.

White Dragon
This is a pagan magazine with some relevant information.

Something Wicked This Way Grows....
This is that great gothic gardening site. Its not really that relevant to witchcraft, but it does have a lot of information about herbs. Its really creative and nicely done.

Vanessa's Pagan Place
This isn't a witchcraft site either, but it does have some good information about herbs. Watch out for the cheese, I warned you.

This is a list of poisonous plants, with pictures and other information. In case you were wondering what Datura looks like...

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