![]() Dante and Beatrice approach the sun. | ![]() |
in San Francisco, year 2005April 22 (Friday Night Plenary Session) April 23 (Saturday all day) The Friday Night Plenary Session will be a showing of Brian Patrick's prize-winning documentary, "Burying the Past: Legacy of The Mountain Meadows Massacre," followed by Question and Answer Session with the director. LOCATION: Clarion Hotel San Francisco Airport 401 East Millbrae Avenue Millbrae, CA 94030 The hotel is approximately one mile south of the San Francisco Airport. Take US 101 and exit on E. Millbrae Ave. RESERVATIONS Call (650) 692-6363, or visit www.clarionsfo.com. A block of rooms has been reserved for Sunstone participants; to get the negotiated Sunstone rate, use the Group/Corporate code: SUN1. Rooms available online at www.bookability.net/b2/front.php?siteid=398&hnum=330 until March 23, 2005. To get the negotiated Sunstone rate, use the Group/Corporate code: SUN1
For Information, contact: Todd and Laura Compton / Allen Hill Sunstone West 2005 | or SUNSTONE 343 N. Third West Salt Lake City, UT 84103-1215 801/355-5926 fax: 801/355-4043 Sunstoneonline.com | ![]() The rising sun, a type of the resurrection, was a popular symbol used on New England gravestones. | ![]() Sun eggs: Psanky eggs, in Russia, are painted with designs that reflect the sun. |
The Friday Night Plenary Session will be a showing of Brian Patrick's prize-winning documentary, "Burying the Past: Legacy of The Mountain Meadows Massacre," followed by Question and Answer Session with the director. Brian Patrick, co-director of the University of Utah Film Studies Division, directed Burying the Past to highlight reconciliation between descendants of those who carried out the Massacre and descendants of the Massacre's victims. The film won the “Best of Festival Award” at the Berkeley Film Festival and “Best of State Award: Utah” 2004, in the Video category.
Carrie A. Moore, religion editor of Deseret News, wrote of this film: "A new documentary film about the aftermath of the Mountain Meadows Massacre had its genesis in attempts to heal emotional wounds held over from the 19th century tragedy. . . . In a world where yesterday's conflict is used as an excuse for today's inhumanity, Brian Patrick found solace in the fact that descendants of both the victims and the perpetrators of Utah's most infamous murders came together for healing in 1998. . . . The film examines how difficult it has been for descendants of the victims to give up their traditional oral history and stories and come together with Lee's descendants. He credits efforts by President Gordon B. Hinckley of the LDS Church in 1999 to get people together and help rebuild the monument to the victims. . . . Though the parts of the film that recreate the massacre are painful by any standard, Patrick believes "if you can show people to other people you can reduce the prejudice in this world, and in this case, I hope to help heal some of those prejudices."
Saturday luncheon speaker: Carol Lynn Pearson: "Humor on a Tightrope" (additional payment required) Carol Lynn Pearson is author of the bestselling Goodbye, I Love You (1988), the popular play, Mother Wove the Morning (1991?) and many books of poems, including Beginnings (1968).
Carol Lynn tells us that the idea of her talk "is for those of us walking the tightrope [being liberal in a conservative church], as I have all these years, that hanging onto the humor helps us keep our balance."
Saturday night speaker: D. Michael Quinn D. Michael Quinn is the author of a number of classics in Mormon history, among them J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years (1983), "LDS Church Authority and New Plural Marriages, 1890-1904" (1985), Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (1987), The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power (1994), The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (1997). His Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example (1996) is one of the few Mormon history books to win a non-Mormon history prize (the Herbert Feis Award from the American Historical Association).
Topic: "To Whom Shall We Go?: Historical Patterns of Restoration Believers with Serious Doubts" Patterns of religious doubt, disbelief, and disaffiliation can be as diverse and interesting as patterns of religious inquiry, faith, and conversion. Both patterns can be temporary, decades-long, or lifelong. Both involve the mind, the spirit, and the emotions. Drawing on decades of research in Mormon/LDS/RLDS documents, this paper discusses patterns of doubt and resolution involving devout believers in the Restoration claims and teachings of Joseph Smith Jr. and his successors (as variously defined). The paper then compares those findings with scholarly studies of patterns of doubt and resolution among Christians generally. As time allows, audience members will be invited to comment—from their own experiences and observations—on the accuracy or applicability of my personal findings and those separate findings by Christian scholars.
FAITH: Hear words that inspire Christian living by exploring gospel truths, sharing spiritual journeys, and untying knotty challenges
COMMUNITY: Meet new friends whose thoughts and experiences parallel yours. The symposium provides a forum for meeting scholars, sharing with others of similar interests, and joining in hallway conversations.
KNOWLEDGE: Learn new strategies to be an intelligent Christian disciple in the (post)modern age, and gain insights in understanding your own journey.
FUN: Wrestle with new, stimulating, and lively viewpoints. Buy the latest books. Wonder at the blooming diversity among God's people.
WE RECOGNIZE that the search for things that are, have been, and are to be is a sifting process in which much chaff will have to be inspected and threshed before wheat can be harvested.
IN SPONSORING this symposium, we welcome the honest ponderings of Latter-day Saints and their friends and expect that everyone will approach all issues, no matter how difficult,with intelligence and good will.