The First Ever Round Valley Day of Gluttony and Tippling!

June 12 (and 13), 2004

9 lovely noders came to spend the day in the fresh loin air, and enjoy food and sun. Well, we sat in the shade and played Scrabble and blew bubbles and told jokes and ate and ate and ate. I had a good time, and as promised, no one went hungry. Here are some pics! As always, thumbnails....

Group photos are obligatory. From left to right: pint, indigoe, hyphenated, Swap, wazroth, smartalix. I'm behind the camera. We'd just gotten to the park and settled down to lunch.

'Nother group photo. We've been joined by Chris-O and LadySun, so I pulled out the camera again.

'Nother pic of the same folks.

Yet another group shot.

Ditto.... We didn't move around at all....

Bubbles everywhere....

An action shot! Sort of.... Look at the bubbles all over the grass, and smartalix juggling, and wazroth playing the guitar!

Pint didn't get get much sleep the night before, so he napped some. We tried to get catch-a-bubble to stick to him, but he apparently exudes bubble repellent.

Heheheh.... Chris-O had that bubble stuck to the top of his head for a very long time.

We were all liberally sprinkled with bubbles at one point or another. Here's one of me. And the ONLY shot I have actually looking out over the water. How ironic....

Leftovers. In rows from left to right, from back to front: Raw veggies, corn, fruit plate, cherries; grilled veggies, pickles, flan; grilled mussels and trout, chicken/ribs/steak (not much left, those noders who like their meat, really like their meat), olives, peach/cherry cobbler; and momomom brought rumtopf (sp?).

The Baked Orodruin prototype. I have all sorts of ideas for improvement.

Noders were in my room getting their internet fix and someone took a pic of Swap with my cat, Emma, and that's momomom in the background. Emma seems to be enjoying herself....

I came out on Sunday morning and folks were yukking it up on the porch. My hair was down and I had my brush out, and momomom asked to brush my hair. My father took the pic.

Monday morning, about to drive Swap to the bus station, he says 'goodbye' to the fish. Note his traveling companions....
