The Chick Project

The chicks began hatching on May 8th.
The last chick hatched on May 10th.
They came home on May 18th.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

Here are some earlier pictures from Miss. Failla, the chicks 'mom.'
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Friday, May 18 - day 1. The chicks are currently in the bathroom. The bathroom has a small skylight, so they can wake up when the sun comes up. They are in a cage which used to house guinea pigs. We cover it with a towel at night to keep out drafts. There is an electric heating pad wrapped in a towel on one side of the cage for them to sleep on. The heating pad is kept "on" at all times.
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Sunday, May 20 - day 3. We have added a nightlight so the chicks can transition from day to night more comfortably. They get upset if we turn off all the lights at once.
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Week 2

