Worthy Matron: | "Bert" Brazelton
Worthy Patron:
| Glen Brazelton
| Associate Matron:
| Leah Lotz
| Associate Patron:
| Jim Knutson
| Secretary:
| Nancy Knutson
| Treasurer:
| Gene Ideker
| Conductress:
| Lynn Graham
| Associate Conductress:
| Ruth Miller
| Chaplain:
| Jeff Hargrave
| Marshall:
| Nelson Bonnell
| Adah:
| Sandi Hargrave
| Ruth:
| Virginia Mae Ideker
| Esther:
| Pat Ogden
| Martha:
| Diane Bonnell
| Electa:
| Rheba Pedigo
| Warder:
| Jake Mininger
| Sentinal:
| Lady of the Lights:
| Clara Turk
| |
Serving Grand Chapter
Nancy Knutson:
4U2 Review Editor
District 17
Jeff Hargrave:
Fraternal Relations Committee