"Ask Your Preacher-Three Sermons"
"Baptism "Because of" or "In Order To?"
"Denominationalism Is Indefensible"
"Do We Practice What We Profess?"
"Getting The Cart Before The Horse"
A Kinder & A Gentler Brotherhood
"Except You Become As Little Children.."
"If I Were A Member of A Denomination.."
"Jesus' Humility, Humanity, and Deity"
"Love of the Lord & Love of His truth"
"Salvation Is Located "In Christ"
"The Law of Moses -VS-The Gospel of Christ"
"Ten Reason To Believe The Bible"
"54 Translations of Acts 2:38"
"The Truth Between Extremes of Error"
Some Challenges Some churches of Christ Face!
Some Characteristics of A church of Christ
Biblical Doctrine of Hell, The
Instrumental Music In Worship Is Sinful!
Judging, A Much Misunderstood Subject
Kind of Preaching We Need, The
Qualities of the Ideal Christian
"Read,Meditate,Pray,Get to work
Saved By Works-Not Saved By Works
The Distinctiveness & Uniqueness of Real "Christianity"
What Saves One? Are Any Non-essential?
What About Other People's Religion?>
The Immortality of The Soul-Lazarus & The Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31)
Words Some Protestant Preachers and Others Can't Seem to Understand!
Zaccheus, A Wee Little Man Up A Tree
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