by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

Return to the Home Page

For those of you who were raised with the competition's attitude of;
"Yeah, though you are lower than the slime on the belly of a worm
and though the very Earth pukes at your tread
and though there is no hope for you in this life or the rest, rejoice for god loves you.*"
(note: * at 10% of your net income tithed weekly, of course.)

the idea of a religion that encourages it's followers to laugh may be a bit.. disrespectful.
But the Goddess told us to worship Her in Mirth and Reverance and this section is dedicated to the 'mirth' part. For the reverance part see the rest of this site.

DISCLAIMER: These pages are by no means politically correct and so are guaranteed to offend anyone whose ego is larger than their sense of humor. If you are easily offended, may I suggest that you use your Constitutional right to censorship by turning your computer off and reading a good book.
Otherwise, be prepared to sing, laugh and have some fun.

Pagan Humor tends to be devided into a number of loose areas:
1) ACTIVITIES- In this form we make fun at some of the things we do that go wrong like doing an indor invocation with a sword and poking a hole in the ceiling.
2) XIANITY- Let's face it, the xians are an easy target. Any religion that brags that it's god only comes once a year (and who chose a virgin who didn't even know she had had sex at that) has got to be ripe to poke fun at.
3) PEOPLE AND TRADITIONS- With a faith that makes almost every man and woman a Priest or Priestess, egos will raise their ugly head and so we.. prick them at times.
4) THE HORNED GOD- With one of the Names for the Horned God being "Old Horney", we have got to get in a few licks ourselves. If only to make up for that 'joke' He pulled the last time He played Skyclad Leap-frog with that coven's HP.
But for some reason we NEVER make fun of the Goddess. This relationship bears some study for the psychologists among us.

So here are the Rules
A) Everything here is public domain to the best of my knowledge or I have the authors permission to print it. If I have erred, have the author contact me and I'll be glad to credit, delete or change it. My e-mail and snail-mail addresses are below.
B) I will give the author credit whenever possible. To publish without giving proper credit is thieft. If I mess up, again let me know and I'll change it.
C) I have a LOT of stuff that is not here. Some I will change as time goes on to keep the site fresh, some I can't or won't publish until I get permission. So, keep returning for fresh material.
D) Submissions. I will add almost anything that this server will let me put on. Just let me know what you want and I'll take care of it.

About this page's organization:
This area is designed along the Hierarchial System. This means that this page will go to each section which will then bring you back here. Simple but effective and it keeps me from trying to add a long list of inter-links to each page. If the link goes nowhere, it's bacause I probably did a typo or havn't put it up yet. Let me know in either event.
More sections will be added as time goes on so bear with me.

For the mirth, you may now go to:
The Humor of Kate
MIrth and Reverence and heavy on the Mirth.
The Adventures of Summerland's Salamanders- Biker Coven
Ah Stevens...
Aphorisms for Wiccans
  • Being a College witch
    Bumper Stickers
    Being a Witch is
    If Goddess Had Meant Witches to Fly..
    The Bunny Charge
    The Chain Letter of Paul, the Apostle to the Corinthians
    Cartoon by Handelsman
    Cartoon by Lena
    Cartoon by Mark Doney
  • Cartoons by Rus G.
    Cartoons by Thorin
    Craft Etiquette
    Crock Pot
    A Day in the Country
    Dear Dr. Laura
    Definitions and Vocabulary
    Degrees and Structures of Wicca
    A Few Tips for the Cyber-Pagan Attending His or Her First Pagan Gathering
    The Field Guide to Neo-Pagandom
    Gargoyles 'R' Us
    Halloween by the Signs
    God's Total Quality Questionaire
    Guidelines for Evil Cultists
    Holly King Eviction Notice
    The "Honest Astrologer"
    How Air Quality Regulations.....
    How to Choose a High Priest
    How to tell if your Next Door Neighbor is a Witch
    If God Were a Woman
    It’s Not Easy Being a Witch Married to Another Witch
    Kill a Tree. A song for Yule
    Kiss My Athame
    Lady Martha of the Stewart Clan's Beltane Planner
    Lessons I've earned
    Marriage Counseler
    Martha Stewart's Pagan Yule
    Mary Meat One and All
    Miscelenous Jokes
    Murphy's Magick
    Notice of Karma Violation
    The Notorious Light Bulb Jokes
    The Numbers of the Beast
    A Pagan Festival
    The Perfect High Priestess
    Pizza Cartoon
    A Possible Pagan political Platform Plank
    The Ratzinger Rat-Slinger
    Redneck Pagan Charge of the Goddess
    Shit Happens
    Star Trek Guide to Neo-Paganism/A>
    Stashley, the Inept Adept
    Stories from the Life of a Witch, Part 1-5
    Stories from the Life of a Witch, Part 6-10
    Stories from the Life of a Witch, Part 11-17
    Stories from the Life of a Witch, Part 18-?
    Ten Ways to Piss off a Pagan
    Top 100 Do's and Don'ts for Evil Overlords
    Top 10 Cheezy pick-Up Lines for Pagans to use at Beltane Gatherings
    You Know Your Coven is Getting Older When...
    A Visit to the Vet
    What if...?
    What Happened when the High Priestess Discovered Duct Tape
    What will I do if I am ever a Vampire
    What Would Goddess Do?
    Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
    The Witch Olympics
    Wombat Law
    You Just May be a ...
    Your Neighbor is a Witch if...

    To contact me or to request topics to be covered, send to
    by: Rick Johnson
    PO Box 40451
    Tucson, Az.

    For the reverance, you may now return to:
    Return to the Home Page.