by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.
Desert Henge Coven is a very active group. All students, Outer Court dedicants, and Initiates meet weekly for classes and coven business. We hold private, semi-private, and/or public rituals for all Sabbats and the occasional Esbat, participate in our local pagan festivals, and meet for non-religious recreational activities.
To contact the Coven contact-person for information on joining the coven or attending our classes, e-mail Lisa at
For more Information write:
Biographies of some of the people involved with Gadnerianism and this site.
Public classes on Witchcraft taught by Gardnerians,
though they are rarely on the Tradition itself.
PO Box 40451,
Tucson, Az. 85717
Or e-mail us at