by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

Desert Henge Coven is a very active group. All students, Outer Court dedicants, and Initiates meet weekly for classes and coven business. We hold private, semi-private, and/or public rituals for all Sabbats and the occasional Esbat, participate in our local pagan festivals, and meet for non-religious recreational activities.

To contact the Coven contact-person for information on joining the coven or attending our classes, e-mail Lisa at

Biographies of some of the people involved with Gadnerianism and this site.
Public classes on Witchcraft taught by Gardnerians, though they are rarely on the Tradition itself.
A General Outline of the Public Wicca Classes

Return to the Home Page.

For more Information write:
PO Box 40451,
Tucson, Az. 85717
Or e-mail us at