Frank H. Gregory

BA, MSc, PhD


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An updated and simplified version of these pages can be found at:


The current page remains to preserved the continuity of address, it is now some five years old and can be accessed directly by the original address. In web terms this means it is very old. Indeed it has outlasted most of the links that were originally included. There have been 2,000  visitors since the beginning of the year 2000. I do not know how many before that because the original trackers have long disappeared. The web has not developed in the way I expected when these pages were first put together. I had anticipated that most people would soon have broadband access. Sadly this has not happened and it seems (in a world where most people do not even have access to a ordinary telephone line) it will never happen. So, in the simplified site I have removed most of the multimedia elements in the pages in order to increase download speed for those visitors without broadband.


Purpose of the Page

The primary purpose of these pages is to provide a permanent address, a current resume and an archive of my own academic published work. As Geocities is free this page can, hopefully, be maintained indefinitely and will always contain a current postal address or other means of contact.

My academic interests are in the area of philosophy and information systems. Most of my academic work has been concerned with the philosophical aspects of information systems and with Soft System Methodology. The page will not only provide the full texts of my own work on these subjects but also links to other work in the area and relevant current events.

About the Page How the hyperlinks work and where they go. What the page contains and why it contains what it does.

Publications contains the full text of most of my academic papers and a listing of some of my other work.

Resume provides basic career information.

Profile is taken from "Linkage" the City University staff magazine. It gives some background biographical information and some of my ideas about university teaching. Ideas that, ironically, did not work out well at City University

Humour contains an example of the type of journalistic work I did a long time ago.


Guestbook and Address Page If you which to contact me leave a note in the guestbook and I'll get back to you. I do not want to put my email address on the page because of spammers. 


Links to my other relevant sites on the Web

Umpang & Tee Lor Su A record of my travels in the Thai forest. Lots of pictures of waterfalls and scenery.


This page was last up-dated on 19 July 2003

© 2000 Frank H. Gregory