The Story Of Gorm
What follows is a true account of the events surrounding one of the most hideously clever criminal minds ever to come out of Scotland. It is a story that will shock the world- or maybe just Midlothian. And it should set a cautionary note ringing for future generations to pay heed to: The Story of
The Gorm
Our tale starts innocently enough in the year of 1979 in deepest darkest hell Scotland. A normal Scottish couple created a son whom we shall call Chris. He lived a normal Scottish childhood of skirt wearing and cabre tossing, haggis eating and English hating. True the poor boy was somewhat laking in the commodity that was once call gumption but this wasn't a problem.
He worked hard at school and at home, eating his haggis with vigour. He excelled at the study of Mathematics and by the age of fourteen was publishing original theorems in the field of hyperbolic manifolds. Then one afternoon in his 17th year, while idly flicking through one of the Hawking's papers he was refereeing something strange happened. A division occured with him. In the moment of realisation in which he saw how to warp space-time, his gorm had broken free. ESCAPED! The hither-to sturdy mental barriers had collapsed in the moment of inspiration: Thus a nightmare was born.