Welcome to Maelstrom Central.
I Admit It's Not Much, But It's Home.

Please wipe your feet - damn this El Nino...

Hi! Thanx for coming by. Y'know, I knew the place would seem nicer with a little color. I love grey, but it's kinda, well, sterile without a little formatting. I'm still moving in to this neighborhood and I'm feeling my way around, so relax and talk to me. Let me know about you, neighbor, and what's happening with you, OK? Grab a beer or a glass of wine; you won't be bothering me at all. Wait, wait - haven't we met before? It seems I know you from somewhere. Ah, forget it. Like everyone else I know, you'll be telling me your life's story before long. I'll figure it out then.

About me? Well, I'm a software engineer working in Silicon Valley. I know, I know. Little fish in a big pond. That's good, tho; keeps me sane. But that's business stuff. My personal life's the fun part. I have a beautiful and brilliant wife, Diane, who stays around only 'cuz I cook. We have two great kids living with us, probably only 'cuz I cook and they get free room and board. I also have two kids living in Michigan, mostly 'cuz they don't like the stuff I cook.

Personal interests? Lemme see. I already told you I cook. I also play guitar and write songs. I play with my kids, I read & write poetry, I do geeky computer stuff, I build cabinets, and I love long intimate talks about you-name-it. I work out like crazy, which I'll say is definitely not a hobby per se, but it's necessary because of my other personal interest: over-eating. I'm actually pretty good at most of the things I like to do, especially over-eating.

Oh. Y'know, I just added some goodies here. You're welcome to check out these links to my personal stuff. There's not much there yet, but there will be, and since you're here anyway, you might as well make yourself at home.

Oh, you've gotta go? OK. Well, I realize the place doesn't look like much yet, but it's taking shape. Come back another time, OK? Hopefully I'll be completely moved in and we can really have a nice visit. Things will still be under construction, I just about guarantee that, but that's the story of my life, y'know? I plan to have more pictures, more recipes, more poems, some more song lyrics I'm working on, and maybe a wave file or two eventually. So damned busy, but y'know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. Adios, and thanx for stoppin' by.

© 1998 rick.thorne@lmco.com

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