I know its been a while since I have written anything here or even put up anything. Almost 2 year to be exact. I will try to update the site soon... Thank you

May 2006
I know it has been a while since I have updated, but I have been busy going to school getting married and moving to NJ. I hope I will be able to update and put more work up soon.
Thank you for all of the loyal people who visit my site!

September 15, 2001

There are no words that can explain how I feel right now, all I can do to express my sorrow is to say Thank You! to all the Heros that gave there life to help save the innocent people that were in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I myself am missing a family member a Brave Fireman that in my eyes will always be a hero.

The tears that have fallen from my eyes are tears of Anger and sorrow, I am angry that so many innocent lives were taken and so many heros had to perish because of stupidity.

There is nothing anyone can do at this point but pray, So I call out to everyone that will read this, Please start at 7pm and light a candle in front of your house and leave it lit all night long and keep on doing this for as long as you can stand just to show the hope that more people will be found alive and to comfort those who will no longer be able to see the ones that they love.
Thank You!

DeePoet - Staten Island NY

Hi I'm DeePoet. Cute name, Huh Welcome to my home page! This page is all about Poetry and short stories. I have a few poems up now and i am waiting to get some more poems and short stories from some other people. I would love to get poems from all of you who visit this page to give a real variety of personalities on the page.

I would like to thank every one who visits the page for being patient with me Because of work I have not been able to put up any new poems and I would like to say that I am sorry for that, as soon as I can I will be adding new poems from friends. Again thank you for being so understanding.

To get a little personal I am a 22 year old female, from New York City (Staten Island really) I work full time as a secretary for a small company and a full time student also and in my spare time I play pool and read the poetry my friends write if i am not in the middle of writing a story or poem myself. So now you know a little about me.

Now please enjoy all the poems and stories (when i get all of them up)

And don't forget to sign my Guest Book :-)


Hey everyone! I know it has been a while since i have updated but be patient there will be more soon.

Keep checking back I am sure there will be more up real soon.


I would like to dedicate this page to my Mother and my Grandmother, both whom I miss with all my heart. keep this in mind, never take advantage of the time you have with the people you care about and love because you never know when they will not be there anymore.


Thank you for visiting my Home Page.



I Believe

That imagination is stronger than knowledge,

That Myth is more patient than History,

That Dreams more powerful than facts,

That hope always triumphs over doubt,

That Laughter is the only cure for grief,

That love will always be stronger than hate,



My sister who is also a great writer has written the following poems for the 2 members of my family that we both cared about the most. I hope you enjoy them.



Well We have a new friend, Here is a poem from a person who visited the page and sent it to me. I would like to thank him for E-mailing it to me.

The Bounty Of Life

The following Five poems are written by a good friend of mine who goes by the name "Xavier Elsdragon", his poetry is deep so only read them if you think you can handle it.

Fantasy's Curse

An Alpha's Call


Stone Storybook

Dream Maker

The Show Must Go On


The following two poems are by a friend of mine who goes by the name "The Lonely Rider".


You Say


The following four poems are by a person who calls herself "Young Poet", enjoy.


A Moment Of Silence

The family Secret



I am now starting to put up some of my own stuff I will warn you they do get depressing. I hope you enjoy them. But before I put up any i will explain a little about the poems. As you read above i dedicated this page to my mother who is no longer here. Since her passing i have had major writers block and I realized why. It is because i have been trying to avoid writing my feelings about her until now. some of the stuff you might think of as poetry, but i felt I had to publish them some how. I hope you like them.

My Best Friend

My Self


Getting over writers block is the hardest thing a writer has to go through. I have been suffering for almost 3 years now and slowly am starting to write well again. Please enjoy the newest poems in my collection


My Heart

The Snowy Day

Views Of Life


I am trying to break away from the depressing stuff that is going through my mind so I decided to get to the romantic / sexy part of me a little bit.



The Longing


The newest addition to the page is here.... Please take a look at the new Stories page... i am getting further in my own story and friends are starting to give me more and more of their work so I have decided to add on this new page. I hope you all enjoy it.

Click the book to enter the story section


Here is a poem a friend of mine sent to me it is untitled and the author is unknown


I hope you like it...



Please E-mail me and let me know if you like all that you have read here and also to give me suggestions on how to make the page better.

If you have any poems or short stories you want to add onto this page,

E-mail me



Please sign my Guest Book


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