Other publications and links
1. THE BRIDGE is a UK-based Dylan fanzine, which essentially exists in paper form only but has a website at www.two-riders.co.uk. Chris's essay '"Love and Theft", or how Dylan's mind multiplies the smallest matter', originally published here on BDCC, was republished in 'The Bridge' No 14, Winter 2002, pp. 34-64. A second essay taken from this site, '"Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum": "All that and more and then some"', appeared in No 16, Summer 2003, pp. 18-43. Chris thanks John Wraith for republishing those articles.
2. 'TOUCHED BY THE HAND OF BOB': Nicola, Chris and the site are mentioned in a book on Dylan, 'Touched by the Hand of Bob: Epiphanal Bob Dylan experiences from a Buick Six', by Dave Henderson (a British music journalist who writes for 'Q', 'Mojo' and other publications). Henderson's book is published by The Black Book Company (Pewsey, England, 1999; ISBN 1-902799-00-3). It mostly about people's responses to Dylan's work, and includes contributions from both the professionals (musicians, rock writers, etc) and 'ordinary' fans. Henderson says his aim is 'to paint a picture through the stories of others. Some of the people who told me their personal recollections aren't famous at all. They're just normal people, like me or you …' (p. 7). Chris appears on that same page 7 (alongside Mick Jagger and Garth Brooks), with some remarks on Dylan's traditional roots and the Harry Smith 'Anthology of American Folk Music'. He is described as: 'Co-organiser, "Bob Dylan Critical Corner website"', and our URL is there in all its glory! Nicola is quoted on page 150, with an edited extract from his essay (available here on the site) on symbolism in 'Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands'.
3. PARKING METER, a Vienna-based German-language Dylan fanzine, is on the Web at: http://members.eunet.at/meter/. The paper edition (not currently being published), ran from 1997 to 2001 (16 issues in all).
Two of Chris's articles from BDCC appeared in shorter German-language versions in the paper edition of PM. His article on 'Tangled Up In Blue' is in PM No 6, Jan 1999, pp. 5-13; his 'Where Are You Tonight?' essay is in PM No 9, Oct 1999, pp. 17-28. Both are translated by Rainer Vesely.
Chris' article on 'All Along the Watchtower' had its first publication in PM No 13, Oct 2000, pp. 20-24, in a German translation (of the full text) by Burkhard Schleser and Rainer Vesely, which actually appeared before the English original came out here on BDCC.
In addition, PM No 15, Apr 2001, featured a extract ('Geriatric Dylan', translated by Rainer Vesely; pp. 6-12) from Michael Schwartz's long essay on 'Time out of Mind', which first appeared as a BDCC exclusive.
The German text of Chris' 'Tangled Up In Blue' essay is online at the Parking Meter site:
4. EXPECTING RAIN and FAIRPORT CONVENTION: Chris has specially contributed the Carter Family, Everly Brothers and Elvis Presley entries to the Bob Dylan Who's Who section on Karl Erik Andersen's excellent 'Expecting Rain' site:
Chris also wrote the Bob Dylan Who's Who entry on Richard Thompson, the ex-Fairport Convention member whom many believe to be Britain's best living songwriter. That article is mentioned on p. 138 of the booklet notes (by Nigel Schofield) to 'Fairport Unconventional', a 4-CD box set (FRQCD35) issued by Free Reed Records in 2002 to mark the veteran folk-rock group's 35th anniversary. It appears on BDCC in a revised and expanded version.
In addition, Chris' essay on Fairport Convention and Dylan (also here on BDCC) has been republished unchanged as the Fairport Convention entry in the Dylan Who's Who.
5. THE BAND SITE: A Norway-based site devoted to The Band included an earlier, slightly different version of Chris's review of the Levon Helm compilation CD 'The Ties That Bind', at: http://theband.hiof.no/articles/the_ties_that_bind.html
Here on BDCC, this review is included as part of Chris' multi-review essay 'They All Play on the Penny Whistle'.
6. DYLAN IN SPANISH: Antonio J. Iriarte and Francisco J. García Cubero, our Spanish Dylan friends, kindly give Chris an acknowledgment in the credits to their excellent volume of translations of Dylan into the ‘loving tongue’, ‘Bob Dylan - Del Huracán a las Tierras Altas: Escritos y canciones 1975-1997’ (‘Bob Dylan - From Hurricane to the Highlands: Writings and Songs 1975-1997’), Valencia: Masked Tortilla Productions (1999). This volume is reviewed in detail by Chris on BDCC.
7. LYNX (http://www.dgdclynx.plus.com/lynx.html), an electronic magazine dedicated to poetry, run by Douglas Clark and published from Bath University, England, ran for 15 issues from 1997 to 2000. The full archive is available on the Lynx site. This magazine was actually one of the first sites to publish some of Chris' work on Dylan, in the days before Critical Corner existed. An earlier text of Chris' essay on 'Señor' (to be found on BDCC in a later version) was published in LYNX No 2 (1997), and his review of Stephen Scobie's Dylan poems, first published on BDCC, featured in LYNX No 13 (1999).